Zipped Lips On Special Meeting


The Henry Hudson Regional Board of Education is holding a special meeting Wednesday, September 4 to get legal advice on pending litigation.

Although the original legal notice of the meeting indicated it was a meeting of the Boards of Education, and a roll call vote would be taken for each board, school administrator Janet Sherlock confirmed that these were typographical errors which have since been corrected.

She confirmed this is a meeting of the current board and its professionals and no one else will be present at the executive meeting. The new Board of Education will assume office in January after nine members are selected in the November election.

Matters to be discussed in closed session, with no action being taken that evening, include the litigation brought by Highlands Council president Jo-Anne Olszewski against the Highlands and Atlantic Highlands boards of education, as well as the Henry Hudson Regional Board. The council president’s action was taken before the two elementary school boards were dissolved and the Henry Hudson board expanded.

Also being discussed in executive session is a matter involving Dr. Secil Onat, assistant Commissioner of the New Jersey Board of Education Division of Finance and Henry Hudson, in a matter apparently brought by Henry Hudson. Since it is a matter of litigation, the administration could not address the matter.

The board’s third legal matter to be discussed with counsel is the amended petition filed with the state Commissioner by the boroughs of Sea Bright and Highlands.

The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. in the gym at Henry Hudson School and no action will be taken

Special Meeting Special Meeting Special Meeting


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