Youth of Today … Outstanding?

Youth of Today

Every once in a while you get the opportunity to see where no matter what is happening in the country, in the world, or in politics, when it gets right down to it, you get a glimpse into the youth of today that gives you comfort  that they will do just fine as leaders of tomorrow.

It happened to me twice in two days.

After the funeral for a well respected and loved gentleman, there was a repast with a buffet overflowing with a variety of great food. A young teenage boy, the decedent’s grandson, piled his plate filled with mashed potatoes. He turned to a staff member who was smiling broadly, enjoying the fact he was enjoying his meal, and he said, “these are just the best mashed potatoes I’ve ever had. I love them. If I take this much, will there still be enough for everyone else?”

Assured that there was more than enough, with an invitation to come back for more when he finished that, the youngster smiled, said thanks and sat down with his family to capture one small comfort after the death of his grandfather… The Youth of Today

The following day, in church, I met a charming mom with her six children, three older girls and three young boys. Visitors from Virginia, they said they were here to visit with their grandfather, who was extremely ill and near death in the hospital. They chatted a bit about everything from their home in the state that has produced more Presidents than any other, the famed ancestors from Highlands and their visit in the hospital with their grandfather, and their sad farewells to a man they obviously love and respect.

Then the oldest daughter, in a soft voice, graciously deflecting all the praise put on the family for their courtesy, their friendliness and their faith, added, “would you please just say a prayer for our grandfather?”  The Youth of Today

You simply don’t expect so much maturity and affection from the youth of today


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