Wyrd Witch Receives Approvals


Owners Tiffany Berryman and Jaclyn Berryman will be able to offer astrology and ministerial assistance to enable people to better themselves after a variance was approved for business at their show, Wyrd Witch at 78 First Avenue, Atlantic Highlands.

The owners of the business, in a building owned by Benson Chiles, requested a use variance to enable personal services in the historic business district.

During testimony before the planning board last week, the owners testified that they wished to expand their business to include card reading and astrology as well as conferences with an ordained minister during the store’s normal business hours. Whether treating a group of no more than persons or individuals, the work would be confined to between 1 and 6 p.m., and occasionally 8 p.m. but never any later, they said.

Ms Berryman said they chose their First Avenue location because of the number of people who indicated it is a convenient location and because it is central to other businesses and works well with them.

Individual services for card reading and other healing or energy programs would be 30 to 60 minutes long they said, and larger meetings would be held approximately twice a month. They plan to offer their energy programs in the rear courtyard as well as the store’s interior.

After giving the application unanimous approval, the board will formally adopt a resolution approving the variance at their June meeting.

In other business at the meeting, the board unanimously passed a resolution approving a variance of 64 Bay avenue to enable owners John Corneliusen and Allyson Stoll to build an addition to their two-story house. At the request of the applicant, the board also dismissed the application for a variance for 170 Ocean Blvd.


Wyrd Witch Wyrd Witch