Women, Age or Religion & the Monmouth County Board of Commissioners

Roughly three years ago  I wrote that it certainly appears the Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, which is what the Monmouth County Board of Commissioners were called then, has a few problems with equality. Especially when it comes to women, age and religion.

This year, actions at the reorganization meeting and gossip about  private conversations convince me not only was I correct three years ago but it’s gotten even worse this year.

Lillian G. Burry

Consider what’s happening to County Commissioner Lillian Burry.

The lady who has been a former official in not one but two towns, a die hard American who doesn’t let anyone insult Thomas Jefferson let anyone any man or woman who has served in our military, the commissioner who attends just about every single event at MAST because she is so proud of the NJROTC cadets over there, and so many other patriotic and veterans causes, isn’t even on the Commission’s Veterans Committee this year.

Nor is she on the vocational schools, which includes MAST.

This is the same lady who worked so hard for the Veterans housing in Tinton Falls.

The same lady who is on the Fort Monmouth Committee

The same lady who’s on the Fort Hancock committee.

Nope. Not good enough for the county commissioner’s Veterans Committee. Commissioner Sue Kiley was the better choice, she and all the male members of the commission said.

Nor is Ms. Burry on the Library Commission the woman who just about everyone says keeps it together, keeps it active, and keeps it serving every resident when it comes to literary and educational matters as well as innovative ways to enjoy the library.  What more is or has happened with women and age at the County Library is yet another story. Stay tuned.


But back to Ms. Burry and sex and age discrimination. Is it because she is getting older? I heard a commissioner noted she’s got a birthday coming up this month.  She does,  January 15.  But is that a topic of conversation? Send her a  card of congratulations, that would be nicer.


Is it because she is a woman? Well, when you look at the other, older women who have been booted off committees and things recently, it gives you pause.

Take me, for instance. I’ve served on the Monmouth County Historic Commission twice for several years each time. Once when I was a Democrat and GOP Director Harry Larrison appointed me, not because of my politics for sure, simply because he knew my love for history and experience with historical societies and other historic  organizations. And Harry was a Director who thought of the County first and foremost, long before he thought politics.

Then I’ve been serving now under a different appointment and commission, with the director of the county commission voting for me a few years back.  But I was younger then, I suppose.


Because yesterday, to no surprise,  I was not reappointed, in spite of my request to continue when my term expired this year. Was is interesting is that I was not replaced either. Which makes me wonder whether that is because they couldn’t find a replacement willing to take it on, or because they would rather wait to see my reaction, then say it was a mistake, an error on their part, their apologies.  And I will be named some time in the future. The three men whose terms were also up were all re-appointed. Just  me, the one older woman didn’t get named yesterday.

Driving Force

Like her or not, but judging from voting records just about everyone likes her, Lillian Burry has been, is, and will continue to be, a driving force, a force to be reckoned with.  Just about every time she runs, she is the high vote getter. When local elections are held with state or national elections, she even tops the winning candidates in the higher and larger districts among Monmouth County voters.

She is present for every single event to which she gets invited. She heads up the Colts Neck Historical Commission and encourages everyone to join the library, going so far as to even introduce new authors to the library, reading stories to youngsters, highlighting the unique programs in the county library system…programs, incidentally, which have come about with her support, enthusiasm and assistance.

Library Commission

But she’s been booted off the Library Commission as liaison with the County Commissioners.

If it’s because she’s old or female, doesn’t the fact she works so hard and has so much energy to finish the job count for anything?  Doesn’t it count that under her mentorship, our wonderful county library system has gotten bigger, better and kept up with modern times and technology?

A wonderful genial Library Commission member, not so far different from Lillian in age, but different in sex, wrote a letter saying he did not want to be re-appointed this year, preferring to devote more time to his family and personal pursuits. Justifiable reasons for a charming gentleman who over the years has given so much of his time and talent to his home town and Monmouth County alike. He said he did not want to be re-appointed. Yet this man, in spite of that, was approved for yet another term. Because he’s a man and Lillian is a woman? Not sure.

But all of these insulting actions against Commissioner Burry lead me to believe my questions and thoughts of three years ago seem to be even more accurate in 2023. Even with another woman on the county commissioners besides Lillian. Younger, I suppose, but does it make her shiver to think what might come in the future for herself?