Barbara White ... Former First Lady of Highlands

Sad news reports today is the death the other evening of Barbara White, former Highlands dynamo who loves her hometown and always worked hard for it and its people. She and her late husband, former Mayor Jimmy White, always kept Highlands and its needs and wants uppermost in their minds and did all they could to preserve all that is so good about the town and its people. Our prayers and sympathy to Barbara’s family and may they be surrounded with the love of all those who so dearly loved, respected and were so grateful to both their parents. Barbara’s funeral will be in Florida where she lived in recent years, but a memorial service will be held in her beloved Highlands later in the year.


And while we are reporting sad news, it is a year today since Bernie Sweeney, the ultimate restaurateur, died. Though his spirit has not died with him, and the Shore Casino, under the watchful eye  of his wife, Kathleen and her son and general manager, Jay Strebb, still continues to provide the best setting for every get together be it a shower, a birthday party, baptism, wedding celebration of a gala event for the PBA, and every other organization that appreciates the elegance, beauty and comforts of the Casino, to say nothing of its outstanding menus, Bernie would be proud!.