Want to Know the Candidates?

Meet the Candidates
There is only one person, not an employee, elected official or other resident, who researches, questions, organizes, and always remembers just about everything about how Atlantic Highlands is run.
Mark Fisher.
You see him at every meeting, calm, cool and collected.  You see his pad often another looseleaf crammed with information.  You hear him at the public portion of every meeting when he hasn’t heard the answers to things he thinks are important to the town.
And every year, before election, he draws up a list of questions and presents them to each of the candidates, asking them to respond; he gives them the date to respond just to be sure he doesn’t lose anyone and everyone has the chance to have his say.
To their credit, everyone of the candidates, the two for Mayor and four for council, responded to Mark’s questions. They did not all answer every question but gave reaspons why they did not respond to some.  All but one gave their priorities on what’s important.
Seeing all the individual responses to the exact same questions together gives a reader more insight into what’s important to each of those vying to run the borough for the next three or four years.
Attached are Mark’s questions and each candidate’s responses.
Do yourself, the borough and the future of the borough a favor and read them all before making your decision on who will be best to sit at the table in Borough Hall come January 1, 2024..