Volunteer to Thank a Volunteer


It’s the Volunteer of the Month for September that prompted Mayor Lori Hohenleitner to suggest that everyone should follow the example of the unnamed person.

In announcing there is a designated Volunteer of the month as has been the schedule for Atlantic Highlands Council meetings, Hohenleitner said the person selected for this month did not want to be publicly identified.

In agreeing to honor the resident without any identification, the mayor suggested that everyone instead “thank somebody”: for doing something nice.

The mayor noted there are many unsung heroes in town and many people who do things for others without recognition, but rather selflessly.

The honoree she said, is a person who is always busy doing something for the borough, always looking out for the Mayor and Council, and always representing what the community is all about.

She suggested that to honor the unsung hero everyone should thank someone for doing something nice whether it is wearing a plant or volunteering in some manner because “that’s what our town is all about.”
