Volunteer at the Twin Lights


HIGHLANDS –     Volunteer Day will be celebrated at the Twin Lights State Historic Site with the Twin Lights Historical Society, an Officially Recognized Friend Organization of New Jersey DEP, Division of Parks, Forestry, and Historic Site on Saturday, April 22, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. giving interested people the opportunity to learn how they can become a part of history.

This is an annual event in which volunteers, NJ Parks personnel, and those who love the Twin Lights are all present and eager to share their experiences about how volunteering and working with knowledgeable staff can enhance their experience not only at this museum but at others across the state.

Guests are invited to share a light breakfast with staff, friends and volunteers and hear a recap of the activities at the historic site throughout the past year. Guests will also enjoy a preview of the programming and schedule of events for the upcoming visitor season and pick up some little-known historic tidbits about the building that has been the lighthouse since 1862 as well as the lighthouse keepers who have manned it throughout its busy life protecting ships at sea.

At 11.a.m. local author and historian Muriel J. Smith will give a presentation in the museum auditorium highlighting some of the famous firsts at the Twin Lights, together with identifying a number of ways persons can become a volunteer and be a part of the museum’s future.

Tours of the Twin Lights will also be available, as well as a lunchtime barbecue. Guests will also earn a chance on raffle baskets.

Members of the Twin Lights Historical Society will explain their annual appeal which is in its closing days.  Proceeds from this drive go directly towards internships for college history majors, improving visitor experience, and promoting tours for New Jersey school children.  Donations are accepted in person, by mail and online. Becoming a member of the Twin Lights Historical Society is another way residents from throughout the state and beyond can be a more intimate part of the Twin Lights and its history.

For those Twin Lights fans who do not follow museum activities or the “hashtag” series on social media, the newly enhanced Society website has added Facebook and Instagram feeds to the HOME page. Check the website daily for a fun fact or short story related to local culture and history, and lighthouses around the world. Join the more than more than a million people who have already viewed the series, “#Jeepers Keepers” or “#FitToBeTide”.


Currently, the Twin Lights state historic site is operating under its winter schedule with the museum and North Tower open Wednesdays through Sundays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The parking lot gate and grounds open at 9 a.m. and close at 4:30 p.m. Parking is reserved for visitors only and all vehicles must be removed from the site no later than 4:30 p.m. Prohibition of drones is strictly enforced.


Self-tour admission enables visitors to view the grounds and exhibitions with signs, information panels and interactive features enabling a self-guided tour of any length.


Twin Lights State Historic Site is located at 2 Lighthouse Road, Highlands, accessible from Highland Avenue to Lighthouse Rd.


The Twin Lights Historical Society is a non-profit organization formed by volunteers in 1955. Today, the Society partners with The New Jersey State Park Service, which owns and operates Twin Lights, to share its illustrious history.


For further information, and to volunteer visit the Twin Lights website or call 732-872-1814.