Vince Lombardi

The Middletown Township Public Library (MTPL) just released a new history video about the life of Vince Lombardi and his ties to the township in which he is buried.

In “Vince Lombardi: The Man Behind the Legend”, MTPL staff explore the life of Lombardi outside of his fabled coaching career, with a focus on his association with Middletown Township.

The video, narrated by MTPL reference librarian Kate Hammond and written and directed by public information staffer Walter Johnson, looks at Lombardi’s marriage, his personality and how he dealt with others through interviews, research, biographical sources and archived news clippings.

Viewers will see the house in Fair Haven where Lombardi once lived, the school that his children attended and hear from Ed Cardoza, Superintendent of Mount Olive Cemetery on Chapel Hill Road near Route 35 where Lombardi is buried.

Produced by MTPL staff, this video will be the first in an “Around Our Town” series about Middletown history and landmarks. Those interested in viewing “Vince Lombardi: The Man Behind the Legend” are encouraged to visit the library’s YouTube channel, linked at

For further information, contact Jenna O’Donnell at  or visit the library located at 55 New Monmouth Road.


  1. HI, wonder if anybody saves the newspaper while all the bells carried Vince Lombardi s coffin ?? my father was one of bells hold the coffin while taking funeral to his cemetery ? my dad name is William P. Mulligan

    yours sincerely,

    Michele Mulligan

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