John Valente
John Valente recently retired physics teacher at MAST, the Marine Academy of Science and Technology at Sandy Hook,  was honored by the graduating class and all students at MAST  at the annual Pass in Review of the NROTC cadets on Pershing Field last week. At the time, he expressed his appreciation of all the students who had enriched his life for more than 45 years as an educator and urged them to always be happy in life.
    But that was not enough for the beloved teacher. On the students’ last day of school this week, Valente once again reached out to them in appreciation and wrote each a personal letter to once again show his affection for them.
   With permission, here is Mr. Valente’s letter to the students at MAST:
Dear students,

I want to thank you all for the many well wishes I received from you.   I cannot express in words how meaningful they were to me. It was a very difficult decision to retire because, largely through your efforts, MAST is such a special place. 

I truly enjoyed every day of my tenure at MAST. I have had a wonderful time teaching.  It has never truly been work.  I wish the same for you as you plan your career. Find something you like to do, get the best possible education in that field as you can, whether it is academic, technical or artistic and I guarantee you that you will find as much pleasure going to work as I have had for the past 45 years.

We live in a wonderful country in which our rights are defined in our founding documents.  These rights are intrinsic to us.  They are not given to us by the government or individuals and cannot be legally or morally taken away from us.  We are guaranteed to live, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Use these rights to pursue your dreams. 

It was for these reasons that my Grandfather emigrated from Italy and my Uncle did, and my Father was willing, to give his life to defend.  At the change of command ceremony, The Battalion Commander related her remarks to the increasing shade provided as a tree grows.  Continue to grow our America tree so all of us can enjoy her shade.

Give back to the past, give to the present and give forward to the future by being the best possible you as you can be. 

And remember- it goes without saying- phyzx is……..wait for it………PHUN! J

I will close as one of my favorite sci-fi charters always did…

Live long and prosper.

Mr. V