Travel by Train – Palatka Has Great Employees

Travel by Train

Taking a relaxing and enjoyable train ride between Newark and Palatka Florida simply for the fun of the train ride is well worth the trip, but meeting a resident of the town immediately after arrival is even better.

Arriving in this city an hour’s train ride past Jacksonville in late morning, it was surprising to see there was no activity at the small, attractive and historic rail station, no cabs, no Ubers hanging around, no busses, no people.

Walking into the station I got a first glimpse at the Browning Railroad Museum housed there before being greeted by one of the two employees seated behind a glass window.

Both were cheery, welcoming and eager to see what they could to do help a stranger. When I said I was after a cab or directions to the Crystal Cove Hotel, the smiling and bubbly lady, who I quickly learned was Teresa, mentioned the hotel was out of town, there wasn’t a cab right there in the station, but not to worry….she would drive me there!.

And so she did. Enroute to the hotel some few miles outside of town, Teresa shared some information about Palatka, and also noted there were two other hotels in town…”for next time you visit.” Both had great views of the St. John’s River, she explained, and one was right on the river. Both had restaurants either attached or nearby.

I explained the Crystal Cove Hotel was also on the river and she agreed, adding with a smile, “but the one in town has a prettier view!”

Arriving at Crystal Cove, I thanked Teresa for the ride and told her I was only staying one night. She suggested we exchange phone numbers and she’d be happy to pick me up when I was ready to get to the station for my trip back on Amtrak.

Thanking her once again for her generous offer and her friendliness, I handed Teresa $20. “Oh no,” she exclaimed immediately, “that’s way too much. You can’t do that.” I persisted, saying it was well worth it to me and I appreciated her immediate help.

After a few minutes, Teresa grudgingly accepted with the provision “ok, this will do for today and tomorrow. So you can’t give me any more money tomorrow for the trip back to the station.”

We laughed, we said goodbye, I entered the hotel and Teresa went on her way.

As I was signing in, I asked the clerk where the restaurant was. Just over there a bit, she responded. Then she added, “but it’s closed.” But when I asked when it would be open for dinner she responded, “Oh, it’s closed for months for renovation.” When I said that was never mentioned to me when I requested restaurant information before reserving, she explained reservations are made through a different agency, booking online, and “maybe they did not know.”

That was enough to let me know things probably wouldn’t be getting any better for the next 24 hours.

I called Teresa on the phone and asked if she could come pick me up. Without a question, she readily agreed and was back at the hotel within 15 minutes.

Getting back in her car, I briefly explained I wouldn’t be staying here and asked for one of the two hotels in the city. She took me to the Quality Inn and waited to ensure I had room.

We laughed, I thanked her, gave her more cash saying I still understand the ‘credit’ for the next day’s trip to the station, and we both went on our way.

Teresa was right about several things. The Quality Inn indeed was right smack on the gorgeous St. John’s River, right near a magnificent bridge reminiscent of the Captain Azzolina Bridge in Highlands on a larger scale, and my room was directly facing the river and a wonderful view.

And the Beef O’Brady restaurant located in the hotel was a few steps away, its windows also opening out directly on the Riverview.

Thanks to Teresa, I knew the rest of my brief stay was going to be spectacular, restful, and fun.

Travel by Train to Palatka