Think Traffic is Bad Now? Wait


Motorists and residents alike are being urged to pay attention to the Traffic detour signs when traveling in Highlands over the next several weeks, as sewer improvement work continues  to progress but causes disruption on both local and county roads.

 Roman E&G Corporation, the firm doing all the sewer work, is trying to do its best to keep people informed of the several detours all are experiencing around the borough as the sewers installed in 1900 when the borough was first created, are being renewed and repaired to ensure continued service to the borough.

But starting Tuesday, May 30, even with all their advance notice to residents, visitors are going to have to use caution and heed all the detour plans and updates on access to certain areas.

Letters went out to residents of Linden Avenue informing them of inconveniences they will be facing and urging their cooperation. The letter also thanked residents for their patience and assured them they are working on schedule to get the work completed.

Work had been planned for earlier in the year, Mayor Carolyn Broullon has explained to residents, but none could be done on Linden Avenue, since it is a Monmouth County Road. The County prohibits work on its roads until spring or summer, making it especially difficult for a community like Highlands whose population and activities increase during the spring and summer months.

Beginning Tuesday, the sewer improvements will be taking place both at the intersection of Linden and Waterwitch Avenue, one block up the hill from Shore Drive, as well as Beach Blvd work continuing.

Workers will be on site from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.  on Linden Avenue and   from 7 am to 5:30 on Beach Blvd.

A traffic detour plan will be in place starting Tuesday closing the Linden Avenue entry to the borough. Instead, traffic traveling east on Route 36 will continue along Route 36 to the Portland Road entrance to town at Capt. Joseph Azzolina Bridge. Motorists can then travel along Bay or Shrewsbury avenues to their destinations below the hill. The left turn entry to the borough’s business district at Miller St. will continue to be closed as required by the state Department of Transportation.

During weeknights, only one lane of traffic will be maintained on Linden Avenue, traveling up the hill from Waterwitch Avenue to Route 36.

The firm is requesting Linden Avenue residents to keep on-street parking at a minimum during construction hours to help ease the traffic situation.

The company reiterated to Linden Avenue residents that they will have access to their homes during working hours from Route 36 and apologized that at some points during the workday there is a possibility where access to some driveways may be blocked. However, access even to these areas will always be accessible at the end of each workday.

Work on Bay Avenue is continuing after Memorial Day, with no road closure; however, caution is urged because of the work on the side of the road.


The Beach Blvd. sewer improvements will continue, with limited access during working hours. Residents are encouraged to park their cars in the municipal lot at the corner of B ay and Central avenues overnight or on the side streets of Central and Ocean.

The traffic detour plan that will be in place will make both Ocean and Central Avenues two-way streets to accommodate the road closure.  As on Linden Avenue, Roman requests residents of Ocean and Central Avenues to keep street parking at a minimum during the Beach Boulevard closure to accommodate the two-way traffic.

Parking is available in the municipal parking lot overnight during this time.

Residents and motorists are urged to be on the lookout for future updates and detour plans as work progress continues over the upcoming weeks. There will be no sewer improvement work on Monday, Memorial Day.

Visit the official Highlands borough page for continued updates when available.