Formal Tea

The Atlantic Highlands and Highlands Historical Societies are combing efforts on Saturday, Aug. 26, to present a formal tea at the Victorian Strauss Mansion in Atlantic Highlands.

The event, which will be held from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. will include lemon curd, tea sandwiches and fruit and sweets for dessert along with tea sandwiches and Victorian accents. Guests are invited to come in formal dress for the occasion.

Presented as a fund raising event, the proceeds for the event will benefit both historical societies.

“What better way to mark the 130th Anniversary of the Strauss Mansion than to have an event like this,” said Atlantic Highlands Society president Lynne Petillo. . “The Cottage” as it was known back in the day, was built to host grand summer parties. Our two societies are pleased to invite you to a Victorian Tea Party with three courses, scones, assorted  sandwiches and freshly baked sweets and fresh fruit.”

In addition several choices of tea will be offered, and there will be both entertainment and door prizes.   Guests are encouraged to wear  vintage clothing.

Tickets will be $30 each. Payment can be made through Paypal, or for Venmo, making make payment to @historicalhighlands.  Checks can also be sent, payable to Historical Society of Highlands to PO Box 13, Highlands, NJ 07732

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