With November, Advent and pre-Christmas events all in the works or planning stage at Our Lady of Perpetual Help St Agnes parish, Rose Killai and her team of volunteers continue to complete all the projects both inside and outside the Our Lady of Perpetual Help grounds on Route 36. Thanks and Giving

Rose and crew have worked to improve the esthetics at the Highlands church, have plans for the Christmas season which includes wreaths on every one of the doors into the Church, and keeps the bulletin board on Route 36 timely and changed frequently. This week her sign of “Let us all celebrate with THANKS and GIVING is a reminder that a special mass of Thanksgiving will be offered Thursday at 9 a.m., an hour later than the usual 8 a.m. mass.

The talented volunteer has replaced living plants with live greens and pines in pots outside church, and has plans for the huge fir tree near the church entrance.

At the same time, the congregation is beginning to grow every week at the 5 p.m.. Sunday evening mass said in Spanish. Parochial Vicar Father Thomas Mallavarapu offers the mass each week, and the primarily Spanish congregation is responding with song, prayer and families all eager for both the Mass in their own language, and Father’s blessings to all, especially the children. All are invited to attend the 5 p.m. Spanish mass every Sunday.

Parochial Vicar Father Thomas Mallavarapu (Center)

Both Father Thomas and the pastor, the Rev. Jarlath Quinn, make regular visits to shut-ins and those unable to get to mass or communion. Father Thomas regularly says mass at both Ptak Tower in Highlands and Portland Pointe in Atlantic Highlands.

There is also another special mass offered Friday, November 29 at 6 p.m.. at Our Lady of Perpetual Help, with the mass being offered for all the souls of all parishioners who have passed during the past year. Families are also encouraged to call the parish office to arrange for masses or to dedicate the sanctuary candles, flowers or flag at OLPH for specific intentions. Both priests asked that throughout November, parishioners also remember veterans in a special way in their prayers.

The parish has an active Book Club directed by Joseph Bullwinkle, and new members are encouraged to attend or join. Bullwinkle said it is not necessary to have read the book of the month before joining as he encourages discussions that would prove interesting to all. The current book under discussion is “The Miracle of Hope” by Andre Nguyen Van Chau. The next meeting is January 8 at 1 p.m. at St. Agnes.

Fr. Quinn announced Sunday that the auditorium lights at the Charles J Hesse parish center have been replaced with brighter and more fuel efficient lighting and the lights in thee OLPH auditorium were completely upgraded several months ago. Plans for renewal of the church bells at OLPH have been altered, the pastor said,, after learning that a new system is needed before they can again be rung. However, that is expected to happen within a month, hopefully in time for Christmas, he said.

With all the activities going on in both areas of the parish, Father said volunteers are needed in a variety of ways and local residents are encouraged to contact the parish office if they wish to donate their special talents to the work of the Church. Student volunteers are needed to assist with the annual Nativity Play which will be performed at 4:45 before the 5:15 mass at St. Agnes on Saturday., December 7. Interested persons can contact Mary McKelvey at reeled@olphstagnes.org.

There will be a Christmas Fest at the Charles Hesse Parish Center on December 14 from 3 to 8 p.m.

The St. Vincent dePaul societies at both churches in the parish have set up Giving Trees to aid the less fortunate during the holiday season.

At OLPH, donors are encouraged to bring gift cards or unwrapped gifts. The tree , located to the right of the altar inside Church, will have tags representing specific child or senior information on interests, age and gender to enable donors to be more selective for their gifts. All gifts must be returned by December 18.

In Atlantic Highlands, the Giving Tree at St. Agnes will be in the vestibule in the back of church and a container nearby will accept gift cards. The Society is requesting only gift cards to enable their recipients do select their own gifts or needs at local stores, with December 8 the last day for accepting gift cards in church. Both societies express their thanks and appreciation of the generous public who regularly contribute to their projects for those in need in Sea Bright, Highlands, Atlantic Highlands and the Bayshore area of Middletown.

In addition to the church volunteers, the Rev. Joseph Donnelly Council of the Knights of Columbus has long since gained a reputation for popular fundraising events to assist their charities. The annual Christmas Raffle Drawing will be held at the OLPH gym on Sunday, December 8 at 11 a.m. and all are invited to attend the drawing, though it is not necessary to be present to win.

All raffle tickets must be deposited in the E_Z raffle stations by the end of mass on Sunday, December 1 or mailed and postmarked no later than Monday, Nov. 25 to allow for accurate accounting. Ticket purchases ca also buy raffle tickets at the OLPH gym on Sunday. December 8 between 8:230 and 10 a.m. for those who believe in luck by last minute purchases.

Yoga classes continue to be held in the Mother Theresa School cafeteria on Tuesdays at 9 a.m. for 45 minutes. Interested persons can contact Amy at 908-461-7640.

Both Fr. Jarlath and Father Thomas urge all local residents to pick up a weekly bulletin at either church and express thanks to the donors who make the bulletin possible, including:

The Atlantic Bagel Company at 74 First Avenue,

Sherman Jewelers, 85 Firsts Avenue,

Wild in the Treats at 183 First Avenue,

Attorney Wendy Crowther, 98 First Avenue,

Tony D”s Auto Body, Inc, 29 Center Ave,

Justin Sonta, financial advisor, 25 First Avenue, all in Atlantic Highlands,

as well as Feed & See Pet and General store on Bay Avenue. Highlands,

Mallory’s Army Foundation,

The Hesse companies,

John Pfleger,

Bayshore Recycling,

Convery Law,

Kerrigan Lectic,

Jus Organics,


Morgan basement waterproofing,

Ruby Exteriors,

George’s Appliance Repair,

Telepun Landscaping,

Almost Home General,


Catholic Match of New Jersey,

UE Construction, T Benning Lawn & Landscaped, and

Royal Pro Construction.

Thanks and Giving Thanks and Giving Thanks and Giving Thanks and Giving Thanks and Giving Thanks and Giving Thanks and Giving Thanks and Giving