The School District Honors Veterans


All three schools in the Henry Hudson Regional district conducted special programs and observances to honor veterans on November 11 Veterans of all branches of the military service were honored through a variety of activities and initiatives on Veterans Day.

At Henry Hudson Regional School, social studies students discussed the importance of celebrating Veterans and Service, including the genesis of the holiday and the end of World War One.

The schools’ Social Studies classes planted 500 flags at the Hudson Memorial under the Flag pole to represent the district support of Veterans and their sacrifice. The school’s TV studio added a video to the day’s announcements celebrating Veterans Day and patriotism. 

At the Highlands Elementary School, teachers discussed the importance of Veteran’s Day during social studies classes. The Student Council coordinated a letter-writing campaign for veterans through Operation Gratitude and mailed letters to veterans. 

At the Atlantic Highlands school, there was an entire student body remembrance to start the day and flags were placed out front of the building by Student Council/STARS. They will also have an assembly featuring local veterans on November 21.


  1. Well I’ll be danged! So there was Veterans Day activities after all. Well, so much for letting someone know about this. I was looking for the announcement since last August but didn’t see anything listed. So, I figured that there wasn’t going to be any events. Oh well, maybe next year.

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