If the New Jersey Department of Transportation has its way, there will no longer be American flags and lighting along the median barrier along Memorial Parkway in Atlantic Highlands.Tear Down
Borough Administrator Robert Ferragina reported at Tuesday’s meeting of the Mayor and Council he had received word from the DOT that both the flagpoles that gave that section of Route 36 its name and the poles for the lights along that section of the highway must be removed no later than April 23.
While the governing body did not address the historic or patriotic significance of the American flags, nor the residents who had donated them decades ago, they agreed with Ferragina informing the DOT they had no jurisdiction over the light poles, inasmuch as they belong to JCP&L and are under their maintenance.
Nor are borough workers covered by insurance or have the authority to do work in the middle of a state highway.
Council members agreed, however, that should the lights be removed, the DOT should replace them inasmuch as there is no other lighting on that section of the state road, presenting a possible dangerous situation in itself.
Borough attorney Marguerite Schafer concurred with Ferragina’s response to the DOT.
None of the council members made any reference to the historic or memorial significance of the flagpoles, nor whether Memorial Parkway would remain the name of that section of the state highway once the flags honoring all those killed or missing in America’s wars are removed from the median.
The m&C should get all the background including pictures of the dedication of this memorial to those who served our country and work to tell the DOT that we are not going to remove this memorial that is over 110 years old. The monument that stood in the e center is still in the traffic trunaround at First Ave.