Take the Survey Atlantic Highlands

Take the Survey… Your Opinions Count!
Maybe things are looking up in Atlantic Highlands. Another young family, who really discovered Atlantic Highlands a few years ago, moved here and took an immediate interest in everything going on. They want to get involved, and that’s a great thing.
  He attends meetings, asks questions, noted at one point he was concerned because he felt crime was increasing in the borough, and was disappointed when a councilman told him words to the effect it’s increasing all over.
   For this young family,  the dad was talking about the first heroin bust in a residential neighborhood he had ever heard of, and while he praised the town’s terrific police department, it jolted him to realize these things were happening.
  He’s concerned the town is changing, he’s afraid town leaders are still talking about a cannabis business in town and he wants to get involved and do what he can to keep Atlantic Highlands the charming town that prompted him to settle his family here.
   But he wants to know how others think as well. This is the code to a survey he’s designed and would like folks to answer.
      Not a bad idea. It’s always great to involve as many people as you can when you want to do the right thing.  It’s worth taking a look.
Take the Survey HERE