Take a Walk

I like to walk early in the morning to go to church. But now that the weather is getting better and spring is here it’s even a better walk than ever.
Walking in Atlantic Highlands early mornings, while so many trees are beginning to bloom and blossom, it’s not only beautiful, but the birds are very loud and very happy. Even the sparrows have great voices, and while I can’t see them in the trees, they’re musical and happy. And it’s catching.
So many daffodils and hyacinth are coming up in gardens along the way, and the forsythia bushes are getting brilliant with orange. It’s an added surprise when flocks of geese fly over and absolutely amazing how they can stay in such perfect formation!
Love also meeting others out just after dawn, those walk with their well behaved dogs on leashes who now have gotten to recognize me as the walker who always has biscuits in my pocket for them.
So nice to see so many American flags hanging in front of houses and admiring well trimmed lawns and neat and cozy looking porches.
 Walking mornings is a great time to relax, enjoy nature, and think about the good things in Atlantic Highlands, the friendly people and the care they give to keeping their homes so bright and cheerful. Heck, even in garbage days, they  have their refuse boxed neatly, bagged securely or in sturdy garbage cans.
Does life get any better ?  It’s all here, just take the time to admire and appreciate it.