Tag: Sea Bright

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Hey Don The Public Has a RIGHT to Know

If there’s any one very serious problem to take from Henry Hudson Regional Board of Education member Don Krueger’s nearly 1,000 word comment on...

Regionalization, Referendums, and Roadblocks

With all the positive progress that has been made to allow residents of the three towns involved in the school regionalization question to have...

Regionalization: Frivolous Yet Ironic

The Atlantic Highlands Mayor may have termed a non-binding question on a ballot as frivolous, but it took a Superior Court Judge less than...

Regionalization: Back In Court

Court In spite of efforts by out-of-town boards of education, both Highlands and Sea Bright will have a non-binding question on the ballot in November,...

Ava Swam With Miss Amy On Her Mind

When 14 year old Ava Addotta climbed out of the Atlantic Ocean last month after her one mile ocean swim in the Andy Rooney...


Half Price Book Sale

The AAUW Half Price Book Sale will be held...

Squash – Yellow, Green, Winter and Summer

There all several kinds of squash, both yellow and...

Broullon Goes for a Hat Trick

“There are still too many things going on, too...

Cooking with the Saints

One of the best Christmas presents I got this...

