Tag: Regionalization

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Regionalization: A Question for the Voters

When it got down to the crunch, the entire Borough Council unanimously agreed at last night’s council meeting that the public really should have...

Regionalization: Coming Together

“We are all working together to make something really good for all of us; they will be looking at us from all over because...

Regionalization: Your Chance to be Heard

The Highlands Mayor and Council has called a special meeting  at 6:30 p.m. Tonight, Wednesday, June 8 to give all individuals the opportunity to...

Regionalization: A 34 Year Old Question

Just read the great article in the Atlantic Highlands Herald written by the three Democrat members of the borough council, Jon Crowley, Lori Hohenleitner...

Regionalization: A Resolution … Finally

The resolution to ask the Commissioner of Education if a question on regionalization can be put on the November ballot, an essential step in...


Snow and the Highlands Cafe

Saturday’s first early morning snow storm, falling on the...

Regionalization: Stick to Education

The Henry Hudson outgoing, un-elected board of education is...

Lame Ducks Sink Sea Bright

In what appears to be one last effort of...

Regionalization-A Sign for the Times

It's very easy to see why Sea Bright's Charlie...

