Tag: Recipes

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Cauliflower Makes My Cravings Low Carb

The Mayo Clinic calls cauliflower a Nutrition Superstar for many reasons, but it is its high content of both vitamins C and K that...

Today’s Good Mood – Sponsored by Radishes

Next time you’re at the Farmer’s Market, pick up a bunch of radishes. They’re cheap, you usually get about a dozen in a bunch,...

Cilantro Dressing

Cilantro, which is really coriander seeds grown up, is even richer in vitamins and all good things to aid eyesight and fight against macular...

Eggplant is Chinese???

Eggplant, Or aubergine, is actually in the berry family but better known as a popular vegetable that can be baked, air-fried, grilled or more....

Bananas – Banana Nut Muffin

Bananas are the most popular fresh fruit in the United States and generally one of the more economical fruits to purchase year-round. They are...


Half Price Book Sale

The AAUW Half Price Book Sale will be held...

Squash – Yellow, Green, Winter and Summer

There all several kinds of squash, both yellow and...

Broullon Goes for a Hat Trick

“There are still too many things going on, too...

Cooking with the Saints

One of the best Christmas presents I got this...

