Tag: Atlantic Highlands

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Rainbow Flag Riles Rast

Advance  notice that a letter from former Mayor Fred Rast stating his concerns and offense  a gay pride flag is flying beneath the borough’s...

The Center Avenue House

I knew Jackie Larson before I ever even visited Highlands or Atlantic Highlands. At the time, she was Jackie Caruso, daughter of Dominick  and...

Pride in the Flag

The agenda for tomorrow night’s 7 p.m. Atlantic Highlands Council meeting looks like the meeting will go fast and peaceful, with an executive session...

Reading & Writing

Reading all the essays in the Monmouth County Historical Commission’s annual essay contest once again is one of the things that’s made me so...

Regionalization: A Wrench in the Works?

They have been absolutely silent through all these years of Highlands, Sea Bright and Atlantic Highlands talking about, planning and working on a regionalization...


Middletown Historical Society

The Middletown Historical Society is inviting new membership in...

Women in Business

The Women in Business of the Atlantic Highlands Chamber...

Singing Valentines – A Song of Love

The Chorus of the Atlantic of the Red Bank...

Board of Ed Tomorrow Tonight

The Henry Hudson Regional Board of Education is meeting...

