Tag: Atlantic Highlands

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Happiness Month … It’s a Choice

August is supposed to be Happiness Month…..isn’t every month happy? …but in celebration of that, here are a few things that are making me...

Atlantic & Highlands … What’s Happening

There are always things and people to keep you happy in Atlantic Highlands as well as Highlands so it’s nice when you have the...

Atlantic Highlands Police Department

The  borough’s Police Department earned the coveted New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police Re-accreditation after receiving the first accreditation three years ago. The...

A Blunt Review … Someone is High on Council

Mayor and Council, one more time, failed to act on the proposed cannabis ordinance blaming the inability on a technicality before also citing they...

Regionalization: Atlantic Highlands Stalls Again!

In spite of governing officials and paid attorneys working out a funding formula agreement agreeable to all three boroughs, the Atlantic Highlands Mayor and...


Snow and the Highlands Cafe

Saturday’s first early morning snow storm, falling on the...

Regionalization: Stick to Education

The Henry Hudson outgoing, un-elected board of education is...

Lame Ducks Sink Sea Bright

In what appears to be one last effort of...

Regionalization-A Sign for the Times

It's very easy to see why Sea Bright's Charlie...

