Tag: Aging Macular Degeneration

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I am Slowly Going Blind

The governing bodies of Highlands and Atlantic Highlands can continue their apparent disdain for residents; they can continue ignoring any problematic situation that could...

Cranberries-the Fruit du Jour!

Cranberries- We’re getting close to holiday time, and between Thanksgiving and Christmas, the Cranberry, hardly ever noticed the rest of the year, is the...

Israel: So Much to Offer

I was less than eight years old when in our regular talks around the dinner table with my brothers, sister and parents every night,my...

Nut & Berry Granola

With nuts and berries both so good for eye health and in helping to prevent, or halt the development of Aging Macular Degeneration, this...

Breakfast with AREDS

For many people AREDS or AREDS 2, the PreserVision eye vitamin and mineral supplement that aids in fighting Aging Macular Degeneration, causes digestive or...


Iceboating on the Navesink

Local ice boater, photographer and historian Jeff Smith will...

Middletown Historical Society

The Middletown Historical Society is inviting new membership in...

Women in Business

The Women in Business of the Atlantic Highlands Chamber...

Singing Valentines – A Song of Love

The Chorus of the Atlantic of the Red Bank...

