Though it is not mentioned by name in either the agenda, the revised agenda, or even in the title of the proposed ordinance itself, the Mayor and Council plan on taking action on the Mother Theresa school property at tomorrow night’s meeting of the governing body.

That action, if approved, would refer the long awaited Mother Theresa Redevelopment Plan to the Planning board for a “consistency review.”

In coordination with this agenda, the Planning Board is advertising a special meeting for Monday evening at 7:30 at Borough Hall to review and comment on the South Avenue Redevelopment Plan referred by the borough council on Nov. 10 …tomorrow night…and proposed to be adopted by ordinance at council’s Dec. 15 meeting.

So there you have it …

A development plan impacting an entire section of the borough, includes the former Catholic school that has been the subject of numerous meetings, questions from the public, discussions and executive sessions of the governing body or more than three and a half years, is coming up for action under titles the general public would not even think concerns the school , without any hints or explanations referring to it, at a meeting little more than 24 hours away.

Wouldn’t you think somebody on the governing body would insist on enough initial detail to enlighten the public what’s going on on such an important issue?

Of course, there’s more to this story. Starting with the public has never even seen this plan, no has had any questions answered about it.

But they’re gonna send it to the planning board anyway for a special meeting the planners are having to review it four days later.  By law, the planners have to have their recommendations, if any back to the governing body within 45 days. It they work quickly, that would be in time  for the council to take its next planned action, adopting the reviewed plan at its Dec. 15 meeting,

So what are they reviewing? The proposed plan? Does it include everything that should be reviewed? Things like costs, schedules, plot plans and elevations, a timeline for start and finish, a work schedule, what about blueprints for what the building will look like, who will occupy it, and a few more things the public would and should know about? Does this planning board meeting Monday night include any alternate ideas,  even what all is included or will be added later on? Is it just the school, or is it the School and the Hesse Center? Or the school and the Thrift Shop, (the former Andy Richards House) or all three?

Local resident and intense watcher of all things the local government does or doesn’t do, Mark Fisher, had a few more questions of his own. In a timely piece he posted in a letter to those who regularly follow his thoughts, Fisher wants to know,  and believes residents and taxpayers also want to know, some more about financial matters…what will purchase and renovations cost the taxpayers, what, if any, will interest costs be, how much will be spent on whatever is purchased over the years, what, precisely, is the financial plan? For that matter, what shape are the buildings in now?

Fisher believes the public has the right to know. Fisher also wonders whether the governing body will allow questions at tomorrow’s meeting. Or will the planners allow any at their meeting?

The resident speaks and thinks like every concerned taxpayers in Atlantic Highlands should, both those who are struggling with current taxes and those who don’t attend meetings and ask questions, but still grumble over the tax rate and wonder how they can afford to stay here.

Fisher is right. It is time for residents to realize what is going on, to attend tomorrow night’s meeting, to ask questions, to find out what is the original plan, the redevelopment plan, the cost of it all and how far it’s gone without their being kept informed. Residents also have the right to know, and should ask, the time frame and proposed occupancy once all is said and done or, if not said and done, what the alternatives are.

Wouldn’t you like to know what is the proposed plan anticipated to be sent to the planning board for the former Mother Theresa school property?

The meeting starts at 7 pm Thursday at Borough Hall; go to to see the entire agenda, the planning board notice of a special meeting, and the ZOOM connection to the meeting if unable to attend.

Let the secrecy end.

Demand answers.

It appears this year’s incumbents on the governing body learned in yesterday’s election the public truly wants to know what’s going on. Will next year’s incumbents, who have been just as secretive,  learn from this or will the public continue to be kept in the dark on as many issues as they are now?