happiness, happy

So many things are making me happy  this week and so many stories to write so you can get an idea of how much happiness simply surrounds us and is there for all of us to grab if we just pay attention and appreciate.

First, wait for my story on the spectacular 9 to 5 music staged by those incredible Henry Hudson students, both on stage and in the pit as musicians. And the backstage crew is no slouch either, but wait for my story and you can see who all the stars are.   Dolly Parton herself would be proud!

Then there was that spectacular wedding of two local incredibly wonderful and talented  folks. It was at the Shore Casino, certainly the most lavish and spectacular of any wedding I’ve seen there, and with a couple who simply enjoyed sharing their love and happiness with all their friends, it was something to be remembered.

Closer to home and more personal to me was the outstanding neighbor who heard my pleas for heat in the house and dropped everything and came over to ensure that everything was all right…and to correct anything that was not.

Then there was the disappointment for all of us, but sheer happiness of Vera and Cathy of The Girls Café who decided to celebrate Thanksgiving for more than one day, simply buy closing the Café Wednesday and giving themselves a well deserved mini vacation. Never fear the doors will be open bright and early Saturday morning once again. And if you haven’t tried it yet, Vera’s very secret recipe for her oatmeal takes the chill out of any air!  That’s enough to make you thankful!  And warm and cozy to boot!

That should be enough to give you a hint into happy stories that will soon follow, hopefully happy enough to at least enjoy the holiday without worry over regionalization, mediators, redevelopment plans, backroom decisions, over expensive borough halls, meetings not open to all the public…the list goes on.

Residents of every town should get more involved in learning what’s going on in their towns. You may be surprised!


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