Smoke Shop on Agenda

Is a Smoke Shop Coming to Town?

An application for a proposed retail smoke shop in the former Valley National Bank building on Route 36 will be heard at Thursday’s meeting of the Planning Board, along with two other variance requests and action on the resolution to approve nine variances to allow three building lots on the former Fireman’s Field house property on W. Washington ave.

The Smoke Shop application, submitted by Mr. VSC LLC., Mohammed Kahn of Plainfield, requires  a change of use for the property, which already received preliminary and final site plan approvals by the Planning Board in August, 2020.

There are no plans to modify the several existing non conforming uses for setbacks and lot coverage, as well as vehicular parking sites, sidewalks or driveways.

The use also has to be approved by the state Department of Transportation inasmuch as the property fronts on the state highway. However, the applicant indicated no approval is required from the Monmouth County Planning Board.

The applicant indicated the only exterior change would be to the current Valley Bank sign to indicate the Smoke Shop location.

The planning board is also expected to approve a resolution granting nine variances for the Fireman’s Field property to permit the construction of three one family homes on three undersized residential lots. The application was approved at the January meeting of the planning board by a 5-4 vote, with the majority indicating their belief that three smaller houses on three undersized lots would be more agreeable to residents in the area of W. Washington and Ave C rather than larger two homes, which could  be constructed without any variances, because of the average size smaller homes currently in the neighborhood.  Planners indicated their approving resolution would also include a notation that the applicant would make every effort to maximize off street parking.

Opponents to the variance had opined that approval sets up the probability the board could be requested to approve future variances for each of the three new lots on the grounds that it was the board, by granting the variance, that created the hardship which would require future variances should property owners seek them.

Also on the agenda for Thursday are two applications, one for 52 Asbury Avenue to convert an existing porch into a laundry room now located in an unfinished basement, and an application for variances at 52 E Garfield ave. to authorize construction of a two story addition to the rear of an existing home

The planners will also review  an amendment introduced by the Mayor and Council  at its last meeting to further regulate development in the central  and historic business districts.

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