Congressman Chris Smith was the first member of Congress to issue a  statement concerning the Supreme Court decision on states right, including when it comes to abortion.

In anticipation of this morning’s announced decision by the Supreme Court that upholds the states’ rights to make decisions for matters that are not protected under the Constitution , the Congressman iterated the contradiction in modern medicine that today “treats unborn children with disability or disease as a patient in need of diagnosis and treatment,” and adds “there has been an explosion in interventions that have saved children’s lives and mitigated many, many problems that they would have faced if the disability had not been treated in-utero.”

Yet the state of New Jersey has enacted extremist laws that permit killing a baby right up to the moment of birth “for any reason.”  Policies, he said,  “that pose an existential threat to the well-being and lives of innocent children.”

“Unborn babies are society’s youngest patients and deserve benign, life-affirming medical interventions,” Smith continued. “All unborn babies deserve protection not death by abortion. Unborn babies and their mothers need support; we need to love and help them both.”

Smith also pointed out that in 1972, when the Roe Vs Wade decision permitted abortions for any reason, “the 7-2 majority who issued the opinion wrote ‘‘We need not resolve the difficult question of when human life begins.’’

Sidestepping that fundamental question and giving absolutely no benefit of the doubt to the innate value, dignity and humanity of an unborn child, the Court went on to legalize and facilitate abortion on demand throughout pregnancy, Smith said. The following year, two Justices dissented on another pro-abortion decision and called  the decision in both cases “an exercise in extreme judicial power… an improvident and extravagant exercise of the power of judicial review…”

Today’s decision agrees with that statement, returning the power to state lawmakers to significantly regular or prohibit abortion.

Justice Alito writes: “We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled. It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives…  Today, science confirms that birth is an event—albeit a very important one—but only an event in the life of a child. It is not the beginning of life.  History…and science…are on the side of life.”