Autumn Harvest Party
from left, MaryLynn and Donald Burden, Phil and Rachel Carnes

Shrewsbury – Shrewsbury Historical Society members, historians, gardeners, friends, new and longtime residents of the borough and members of the governing body gathered Sunday afternoon for a gala Autumn Harvest Party at the Home of Phil and Rachel Carnes on Meadow Drive.

Former Mayor Donald Burden, president of the Historical Society, welcomed all the guests and expressed the thanks of all to the Carnes for hosting the annual event for the second year.

Burden, who is also a former member of the Monmouth County Historical Commission, presented the Carnes with a pen and ink of their home sketched by noted artist Penny Ticehurst. The society president also acknowledged contributions  from Paul David Partywares, Mike Lynn, fine wine director for Saker Shop Rites, the Shrewsbury Fire Company and the Society Trustees who provided hors d’oeuvres for the event. Carnes, a noted chef, also presented a variety of other gastronomic treats for the event.

Burden also cited the Dorothy Blair Eagle and expressed thanks for its repair and restoration through contributions from the former Mayor Dorothy Blair Manson’s four daughters. Two of her daughters, Gee Gee and Robin Blair were both present at  the party.

The Autumn Harvest Party is a tradition in the Historical Society and has been an annual event since 1976, with the exception of the past two years due to the Covid pandemic and one year at the October death of  Society Founder J. Louise Jost. During most of those years, the event was hosted by families residing in the stately homes within Shrewsbury’s Four Corners at Broad Street and Sycamore Avenue.

The Carnes’ home has a history of its own. Once a hay barn and  part of the Dr. Ernest Fahnestock estate, the Shadowbrook, it was built in 1910.  It was converted into a private residence by the late Jailer family and is commonly referred to as a hipped-roof Colonial Revival. Mr. Carnes crafted two tables and reproduced the barn doors as accent pieces in the home when the Carnes became the second owners of the residence.

In keeping with the autumn theme  Garden Club members Terry Blake, Nadia Nigro and Ellen Preissler created arrangements for the Enry Room and Buffet Table using flowers, plants, vegetables and herbs of the season.

Among the guests at the Harvest Party were Shrewsbury Mayor Erik Anderson, Council President Jason Sena, Monmouth County Historian Randall Gabrielan, Shrewsbury Garden Club President Judy Bonanno, Shrewsbury Towne-Chapter Regent Leslie Clark, and former Chair Monmouth County Library Commission Renee Swartz.


Cover Photo:
from left, MaryLynn and Donadl Burden, Phil and Rachel Carnes