In keeping with the Atlantic Highlands  Police Department’s accent on preventive care ensures safety, Police Chief Scott Reinert issued the following warning and alert to all borough residents today.
Many residents are receiving calls about owing the Atlantic Highlands Police Department money for a “Federal Warrant”.  The phone call comes from a “spoofed” number that looks like the Atlantic Highlands Police Department’s number (732) 291-1212.  Please disregard these phone calls, they are a scam.  The Atlantic Highlands Police Department would never ask for payment over the phone and would never ask for Bitcoin, Venmo, Paypal, Zelle etc. as a form of payment.  Thieves will try to take your money any way possible and awareness is the best defense.  Most of these scams are conducted out of our county and once the money is transferred it is gone forever.  If you are ever suspicious of mail, phone calls or emails please stop by Police Headquarters or call us at 732-291-1212 to verify.  Some are easy to determine but many are very creative.  Thank you