Sad & Happy


My prayers and sympathy go out to several families this week, families who have all made the professional and commercial business world a bit better because of the excellence of their work and service, and the quality of their professionalism.

Tommy, famous for Tommy’s in several places, but locally in both Sea Bright and Freehold, died suddenly this week at too young age. Prayers and sympathy not only to the family but to the outstanding staffs in his restaurants who apparently have all learned from his manner, personality and dedication to both had work and dedication. I’m certain they will  carry on in his unique stye.

Not really in the business, but the Hartsgrove name is highly revered and respected in Highlands for the numerous members of the families of that name who do so much, love the town so much and have contributed to it for centuries. Kathy and Vera at The Girl’s Cafe lost their cousin Brenda to cancer this week, and you can feel the grief in the air although The Girls continued their professionalism even while mourning. Prayers and sympathy to Brena’s brother, Peter Lynch, another fine contributor to what Highlands great and his son and daughter.

And both Highlands and Atlantic Highlands lay claim to Phil Sciortino, that incredibly second generation of the  wonderful family that first had Johnny’s Landing, later the Highlands Marina, and for Phil, the Tackle Box in Hazlet.  He and Joan were always special people and we mourn with Joan and all the children and grandchildren at his death.

But on the positive side, loved being at Tommy’s in Freehold today where the manager Bob is simply terrific, genuinely nice with his customers and interested in every comment they want to make about this great casual pub and restaurant. A group of my very favorite and very smart people and myself had lunch there, and were fortunate enough to have Electra. This is a waitress who know only can spiel off the entire menu, keep you laughing, serve with excellence but also carry on some clever banter all the while remaining professional and exceptional in her waitressing work.  All of that, and since the meals are so large, she even brings over take-home contains without being asked. I asked if she couldn’t be at Tommy’s in Sea Bright to bring her closer to the Bayshore, but they won’t let her go in Freehold. Can’t say that I blame them.

Other great news this week is that Pat Stryker, the former Mayor’s wife, speaking of terrific people, came through some  surgery with flying colors and is well on the road to full recovery. She’s a Keansburg girl with spirit and elan, so we’re sure she’ll make it with flying colors!

And for me personally, it’s been a terrific week garden-fresh wise. A dear friend who gave me loads of lettuce from her garden during that growing season, is also supplying me with some giant zucchini from the same garden, along with fresh herbs. In fact, she even planted a couple of them for me in the hopes I can keep them alive in my kitchen as healthfully as they don in hers!  And my landlord gave me one of the very first tomatoes of the season from his garden. Do I know the nicest and most generous  people or what?

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