Rooney Says NO

Just Say NO

Former Sea Bright Councilman Charles Rooney, son of former Sea Bright Mayor Charles Rooney, who served ten years as the borough’s leader throughout the 1990s, sent a letter to all local media giving the history of Sea Bright’s desire to become part of the Henry Hudson Regional School District, and citing all the economic and educational benefits of the idea.

In his letter, Rooney also urges voting NO in Tuesday’s election, fearful anything else would mean the demise of future inclusion of Sea Bright with its nearest neighbors.

Mr.  Rooney’s letter:

I have been a Sea Bright resident my entire life and have many long-time friends in our neighboring towns of Atlantic Highlands and Highlands.  We share so much in history, culture, and our priorities including family, children, quality education, and protecting our beautiful, connected shore towns.

We are faced with a once in a generation opportunity to take a major step forward in what matters most.  That opportunity is the upcoming special referendum vote regarding the regionalization of our education systems on September 26th.  The quality of education for our children, holding down the never-ending property tax increases, and pulling together communities that are neighbors in more ways than proximity is something I believe we all care deeply about.

There has been much communication and static in the system over the last few years on the pros and cons of regionalization between Atlantic Highlands, Highlands, and Sea Bright.  Make no mistake, this issue is charged with emotion, financial studies and impacts, and hidden agendas some of which serve special interests other than our residents.

But there are a few facts that are irrefutable which I would like to share.  First, two state funded regionalization studies have been conducted over the last 3 years.  Both emphatically concluded that the best educational and tax efficiency solution was an immediate regionalization of Atlantic Highlands, Highlands, and Sea Bright.  It would yield the best educational approach for our students, result in optimum savings for our taxpayers, and achieves the State Education Commission’s vision.

Second, legislation unanimously approved in Trenton cleared the path for such regionalization without the risk of litigation.  So, while some seek to use litigation as a justification to exclude Sea Bright, that rationale is simply inaccurate per the approved legislation.

Third, a regionalization of only Atlantic Highlands and Highlands results in no significant savings and benefits to our students and taxpayers.  Its impact will be invisible and could be used as a step to end there and never include Sea Bright.

Lastly, if Sea Bright were to be included in this tri-town regionalization, the impact would be huge for Atlantic Highlands and Highlands.  It would result in an influx of funding of greater than $22 Million over the next 10 years to support major educational enhancements for our students and significant reduction in property taxes.  Additionally, it would see the inclusion of only 45-50 students from Sea Bright, which would have very limited impact on the existing school staff or facilities. This represents a major influx of tax relief with little impact on the existing system.

So, for the love of my town, my neighbors, and our students, I implore each of you to vote NO on the special referendum on September 26th from 12:00 – 8:00PM.  A NO vote on September 26th would open the door to another vote, hopefully in 2024, in which Sea Bright could also be included.

That would create a new regional school district that would actually represent savings, more programs for our students, increased educational possibilities, and a third town contributing to the ever-increasing cost of education without incurring any more costs for the taxpayers.

The referendum proposed is the wrong path for all of us not just in my opinion, but in the opinion of the experts. Instead, we need to demand the Town Councils and BoEs do the right thing for all and re-introduce a referendum for Atlantic Highlands, Highlands, and Sea Bright to become one integrated PK-12 district to the benefit of our Children and our Taxpayers.


  1. Well tell Mr Rooney to call the department of Education and speak to the Commissioner. Why not rationalize now and add Sea Bright when the state says ok?

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