Regionalization: New Board, New First Step

First Step

First Step Congratulations are in order and well deserved for the first elected board of the Henry Hudson Regional School PK-12 Board of Education who officially took office Monday night at an organization meeting at Henry Hudson.

Rich Colangelo who has long since proven he can take on tough jobs what with being re-elected earlier in the month as his borough’s code enforcement officer, and Highlands Sue Thomas, who knows what school board business….and schoolwork as a nurse is all about…. should make a powerful team leading a board driven to keep Henry Hudson great at all the things it’s great at, and better in the things that still need to be improved for all the kids in both towns.

Let’s hope they put the question of letting Sea Bright come in and share some of the cost of all this education up to a vote soon so the people can make it loud and clear what they want.

Sea Bright and Highlands already showed in opinion polls they want it, but now it’s up to the school district to make the move and make whatever the people end up deciding to happen. It seems that over the past three years the superintendent has put an overwhelming amount of her time and energy into regionalization issues and questions, it would be terrific to put all that energy into the everyday educational issues that face the students in all three schools.

Oceanport Resident and Henry Hudson School District Superintendent Tara Beams

It’s also time for residents in both towns to pay more attention to the monthly business meetings of the board; people who complain about their taxes seem to forget the larger share of their tax dollar goes towards education, not the municipal stuff, so you would think there would be more interest in how it’s all spent. But then, a room where everyone could hear everything and even those with vision problems could see what’s going on would be helpful but that didn’t happen in the past. Well, since Covid anyway, when meetings were virtual.

It would also be nice if the board had the American flag behind the board table or up on the stage, not in the back of the room, so the audience would not have to keep its back to America’s banner throughout a meeting, and turn around in order to salute it at the beginning of the meeting. Just a thought.

Not sure who was so anxious to get to the meeting that he or she had to break the law and possibly jeopardize all the folks who were in the meeting…more than the usual handful who stay, as well as the many more, judging from the bus and the full parking lot, who were there for an athletic event. But there shouldn’t be any circumstances when people coming to a planned meeting have to park in a fire emergency, and well-marked lane close to the entry door.

First Step First Step First Step First Step First Step First Step First Step First Step First Step


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