Regionalization- HoHo Says NO


Borough Councils in Highlands and in Sea Bright both want voters to weigh in the November election and are seeking public opinion on whether Sea Bright should join the school district .

But Atlantic Highlands borough council chooses to wait before finding out the opinions of its residents at the ballot box. That, in spite of the fact Council has already approved another non-binding question on the November ballot concerning raising taxes.

That is what happened this week after the Highlands Borough Council voted unanimously to put a non-binding referendum on the November ballot to let the public express their opinions on whether they want Sea Bright to be a part of the Henry Hudson Regional school district.

The Sea Bright Borough Council is calling a special meeting for the upcoming week to take similar action and learn from their residents if Sea Bright should become a part of the Henry Hudson Regional School District.

But the Atlantic Highlands Mayor and Council said No.   They will not have any such question on the November 5 ballot. Rather than get the opinion of the residents now, as the other two councils feel is necessary, that council prefers to wait for definite proof that Sea Bright will be able to get permission from the Commissioner of Education to join the school district before hearing from their own residents.

We look forward to that opportunity to formally confirm our community’s commitment at that time,” Mayor Lori Hohenleitner said, in response to a question on whether Atlantic Highlands would take similar action for a non-binding referendum.

A non-binding referendum is a question placed on a ballot simply to get the opinions of voters. It is frequently used for informational and research purposes so a governing body knows the feelings of their constituents and can move forward with a better idea of what their residents really want.

There are no fees, charges or costs for including a non-binding referendum on the November ballot.

The question on the Highlands ballot calls for a yes or no response on the question, “Do you support the Borough exploring tax relief for Highlands by having students from Sea Bright attend the Henry Hudson Regional School District?

The Sea Bright non-binding question will be similar, asking its residents if they support their students being in the regionalization district.

Mayor Hohenleitner said she understands both Highlands and Sea Bright are asking the public to express their opinions in November and Atlantic Highlands has been asked to do the same.

However, she continued before indicating it will not be a question on Atlantic Highlands’ ballot, “the Mayor and Council of Atlantic Highlands are steadfast in their support of the Henry Hudson Regional School District and for adding Sea Bright to the District as soon as it is legally permissible to do so.” She noted the governing body has “publicly expressed this support and communicated it to the community we were elected to serve.”

Still, she indicated, this governing body does not feel the opinion of the public should be sought at this time and should wait until Sea Bright has permission to become a part of the district. When that happens, she said, “The question will be put to our voters in a binding referendum when Sea Bright gets permission….”

Based on the actions of the three governing bodies, it seems apparent that Highlands and Sea Bright mayors and council want to hear from their residents during the entire process and feel that involving them through the entire proceedings not only keeps the residents informed but enables the governing bodies to take action with knowledge they are acting as the majority of people they represent want.

On the other hand, many question why Atlantic Highlands does not feel the same way about keeping the public aware and able to have input into the future of education for their local families. 

The one question Atlantic Highlands is putting on the ballot this November as a non-binding referendum for opinions on whether property owners should be assessed an additional two cents on assessed valuation for a special fund for preservation, maintenance and acquisition of open space in the borough.

Highlands also has another non-binding resolution on its November ballot, that one asking for opinions on the flood gate and wall presented by the Army Corps of Engineers.

Mayor Carolyn Broullon held an open informational to ensure the public received all the information on the proposal from the Army Corps and had the opportunity to ask questions. That session was held at Henry Hudson Regional School to accommodate the anticipated crowd who attended. More than 100 local residents attended, asked questions, and expressed a variety of opinions on the proposal.

Sea Bright is also now planning to submit an updated petition request to the state Education Commissioner shortly. It is expected that this will satisfy all the requirements to proceed to a formal referendum. The only remaining requirement will be securing the endorsement of the Henry Hudson Board of Education which they have previously said they would do once the Commissioner’s approval has been obtained. 

Read all of the REGIONALIZATION Stories HERE

HoHo Says NO HoHo Says NO HoHo Says NO HoHo Says NO HoHo Says NO HoHo Says NO HoHo Says NO HoHo Says NO HoHo Says NO HoHo Says NO


  1. Absolutely tasteless headline. I am appalled at your lack of professionalism. In a time when we need unity in this country AND some moral ethics, you have taken the path of sensationalism. Really disappointed. Be better.

    • Thank you for reading and commenting. What is tasteless about the headline? With regard to moral ethics are you referring to not putting the question of Sea Bright to the voters? That isn’t me, that is the elected leadership of the municipality

      • Well, you are a mean old lady. Aren’t you? Treating the mayor like that is disrespectful at best. Asking the voters if they approve of AH looking into the possibility accomplishes nothing except giving the appearance of “something” moving forward on the incorporation of Sea Bright into the district. The possibility of Sea Bright being brought in is already in motion. Why would you need a public poll?

        • Funny … You don’t have the intestinal fortitude to use your real name and Email address … I would think that if your are so passionate about a subject, you would absolutely want to identify yourself. Secondly, Treating the Mayor like what? Doesn’t seem to me like you are any better than you allege I am. is pretty original … but it is fake, and it is exactly the same as what you think I did … Ever hear of Santa Claus? Get your mind out of the gutter

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