Regionalization – Council-Member Plea


For all those who don’t want to read my view on what happened during the four hours taxpayers, borough officials and Highlands police waited in the hallway last night while the three boards of education discussed a resolution no one learned who proposed, here’s Highlands Council-member Jo-Ann Olszewski’s plea to the board  that she read during her allotted three minute time span. While she and Mayor Carolyn Broullon and Councilman Donald Melnyk each spoke during the two hour public hearing, none of the Atlantic Highlands council members present at the meeting said anything.

   The councilwoman, a retired educator herself, begged the three boards simply to delay acting on their resolution to eliminate Sea Bright at least until they have “all the fact needed to support their vote whether yea or nay.”   And she even gave them an alternate idea, which they also ignored.


The school board has a dual role: YOUR MISSION is To represent the concerns of the citizens, taxpayers and parents to the school administrators, and to represent the needs of the students and school district to the citizens, taxpayers and parents of the community.

YOUR FUNCTION: the school board sets the policies, goals and objectives for the district – and it holds the superintendent responsible for implementing the policies and achieving the goals.

It appears, tonight, on the last day of January, with the newest Board of Ed member sworn in last week, Dr. Beams and our School Boards, have decided not to include Sea Bright nor the Town Councils of AH and H as participants in a new Regionalization proposal with a new funding formula for Highlands and Atlantic Highlands to support.

Let me begin by asking that you table your “Vote” which clearly rejects forming a new regionalized district that includes Sea Bright. A proposal that disregards all previous collaborative research and study including two Leap Grants that strongly endorsed Regionalization with Sea Bright paid for with taxpayer dollars.  A proposal to be submitted solely by the School Districts that is set to be voted on tonight by you without being seen by your municipalities.

Six months ago, everything was in place except a funding formula…That needed work and perhaps a mediator.  Then, We were all informed – not directly –  that Dr. Beams, speaking on behalf of the School Boards wanted time …that was late August….

We are quite sure that all members do not have all the facts needed.  Especially the newest members.  Anyone on the Boards who has a question must pass their questions to the School Board Presidents rather than go straight to Dr. Beams.  I would guess that works for mundane issues as dealing with 25 board members questions might be a burden for Dr. Beams or anyone. However, for an issue this big, that all Board members will need to support and defend for a long period of time —-Funding formulas stay in effect for 10 years.  It is vital to ensure everyone has all the facts needed to support their vote whether yea or nay

The future of our schools is in your hands.

I quote the former president of the HHR School Board from the August 24, 2022, Regular Board Meeting:

If we are to continue to successfully work through this process, we must do so while operating under facts.  Everyone can help do their part by correcting any misinformation that they may see or hear.  Regionalization is within our grasp, but it is only achievable if we work together.

So, here are just a few facts it appears you do not know.

The Commissioner of Education has rejected nothing, denied us nothing and awaits an agreed upon funding formula to accompany the proposal sent in June.  There are no lawsuits pending – there is an appeal from Oceanport and Shore Regional that can’t be heard until the Commissioner has digested and ruled on our proposal.

Sea Bright does not have to wait until November to hold a vote on Regionalization.

All 3 municipalities want the best for our kids and financial well-being. The town councils are in accord to work out an agreeable funding formula to submit to the Commissioner of Education.  She already has our joint proposal which includes all three school districts, as well as all three municipalities Highlands, Atlantic Highlands and Sea Bright.  Let’s submit and wait out her decision.   Evener  if it is months…We have been waiting to hear from Dr. Beams on your behalf since August.   5 plus months….Nothing fell apart in that time frame, and going forward  nothing should impede the necessary work on improving instruction and delivery to bring our students out of the Covid consequences and back to where they should be.  Confident students who believe in themselves, reaching for the stars.

I propose a sort of open meeting or workshop for all Board Members to hear from more than one source…Get all the facts in order…. talk it out, ask questions as needed and then call a vote.

I ask you with all my heart, keep all of us in mind!  Those you know and those you don’t in your municipalities…all income levels, all ages, all individuals and levels of families in each household. Make the right decision that works for our kids and our wallets.