Violations are minor, but Councilman James Murphy urges everyone to take more care and follow the recycling, and trash disposal regulations.

The councilman reported at Thursday’s meeting of the Mayor and Council that residents can assist the Public Works Department simply by following the notices followed in the borough calendar for recycling procedures and dates for pickups.

While Public Works Director James Phillips agreed any violations are minor and generally seasonal, he urged residents to put out their recyclables only on the appointed days.

While residents who bring their recyclables to the borough yard themselves occasionally leave them on the ground instead of in the containers set up for receipt of recyclable items, the department is adding to signage to make it easier for residents to be aware of their locations.

“The vast majority of residents do a great job and we appreciate all that they do to comply. We have a great town,” both Murphy and Phillips agree. “The public participation is fantastic. It has been a priority of the mayor and Business Administrator Ferragina to beautify the town and we at the DPW are in full support to help with that effort,” Philips added.

Murphy praised the public works department and noted the number of compliments he receives frequently for their service and dedication to their work. “We are fortunate to have a great team in the department, and can take pride in the pride they themselves take in doing their job. ”