Recount Tomorrow in Atlantic Highlands

Recount tomorrow

Public Notice to all Voters in the Boroughs of Atlantic Highlands and Keyport In Monmouth County Pursuant to N.J.S.A 19:28-1, The Monmouth County Board of Elections will meet on Tuesday, December 12th, starting at 9:00 A.M. until conclusion, at its office located at the Special Service Complex, 300 Halls Mill Road, Freehold to conduct a recheck/recount of votes cast in the November 7, 2023 General Election for Mayor of Atlantic Highlands Borough and Council Members for Keyport Borough.

This is of importance to the residents of Atlantic Highlands inasmuch as the November election results did not make it clear whether Councilmembers James Murphy or Lori Hohenleitner was successful in each of the pair’s attempt to be elected Mayor for the next three years.  Also to be decided in the recheck and recount of votes Tuesday will be the two Keyport council seats for which four candidates also were vying.

The successful candidates will take office in January.