
I was doing my part as a resident of the community, volunteering at food pantries, social events, school events and similar programs. I was just being a neighbor, which is good. But not good enough, not for me. I can’t help but to be involved.”

And that’s the primary reason why Jose’ Pujols is seeking election to the Atlantic Highlands Borough Council in November. Pujols is seeking one of the two seats open in the next with incumbent council member and council president Brian Dougherty. The two Democrats are opposed by Republican candidates former Councilman Brian Boms, who is also GOP chairman for Atlantic Highlands, and Ellen O’Dwyer, a former Army officer.

Pujols, who with his wife Nancy and son and daughter, both recent college graduates, lives on Sixth avenue, is a Captain with the North Hudson Regional Fire and Rescue unit, which he has served for 24 years.

He also served in the Air Force, both on active duty when he served at various locations around the country, including as a recruiter in Hackensack, and as a reservist at McGuire Air Force Base, until 2008.

The family moved to Atlantic Highlands from Middletown in 2019 simply because they love the community feel of the borough, its shops, parks, waterfront, fire department, police, and “all the houses are beautiful…. I’m in love with everything!” the candidate said.

Pujols also concedes part of his wanting to get more involved was spurred by being named as a defendant in the action filed by Republican candidate James Murphy when the incumbent councilman lost last year’s mayoral election by a handful of votes. “I made the list of persons that supposedly were not residents and labeled as a fraudulent vote” in the litigation, Pujols explained. 

The official notice and court action caused disbelief and concern, he said, but not anger. It’s just “I thought I was doing my part in the community that we love…. beach cleanups, participating in all local events, supporting local businesses, talking to and meeting new friends…”

Although Pujols’ name was eventually removed from the list and he never had to appear in court, it made him ready and eager to accept a request to join the Rent Leveling Board and the Veterans Affairs Committee. When approached shortly after. “I jumped on board for both! “he said enthusiastically.

When next asked to run for Council, Pujols said he was unsure at first, but after thinking about it, “I thought why not? What better way to serve my community and neighbors!! I’ve been doing it everywhere else ever since I can remember!  So I’m all in. “

Pujols points to some of his past experience and work he believes will help him be a hardworking and capable council member in addition to his career firefighting experience.

He has also been an Aeromedical Evacuation Technician/ Flight Medic in the Air Force, a volunteer EMT in Weehawken, volunteer Medical assistant /EMT at summer Camp Coconuts in Middletown, and Matawan Fire/Inspector/Fire Official / Housing Official since 2016, a position he continues to hold. “I take pride in being the GO-TO- GUY and the person that makes things happen to assist anyone when it comes to making a difference In my or any community.”

Pujols knows there are issues he will face as a councilman in addition to the school regionalization talk, he hears from neighbors. Parking on First Avenue, open space, the municipal yacht harbor, as well as new housing and buildings, but admits he does not yet have solutions. “I’m not well versed in any information on these items right now, so I couldn’t tell you what needs to be fixed or what the major problems are.

“But I am ready to see what the issues are and take on any project head on, get feedback from my community, council members, code enforcement, zoning, construction etc. and make the best decisions based on the information given and what is best for the community.  It does affect everyone in some way,” he said.

In the meantime, Pujols continued,” I think First Ave is great, I love it.  Like everything else, It can always be better.” Everyone has their opinions, he continued but warned “everything has to be cautiously reviewed to keep the integrity of the small-town vibe we currently have. I am good with positive upgrades and updates that serve the community and residents.”  

The council candidate described himself as a person who has always gotten involved in the community which he loves and aims to assist and protect the community he loves wherever he lives. He believes in “giving the people what they want and need when it comes to issues such as the automobile charging stations, praising the work Dougherty has done to provide the best that can be offered.


Go-To-Guy Go-To-Guy Go-To-Guy Go-To-Guy Go-To-Guy Go-To-Guy Go-To-Guy Go-To-Guy


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