Busy, Busy, Busy as a Beaver

Atlantic Highlands-If there is enough time to correct the error, the planning board will still have its special meeting Monday night to review the mayor and council’s transfer of the proposed redevelopment plan for Mother Theresa school and within a month, give their opinion to the governing body in time for Council’s action at its Dec. 15. Meeting… Busy

A rush indeed for such a major project after more than three years of seemingly nothing much happening. At least that the public is aware of.

Add to that one review and recommendation, since the planning board, without giving a reason, cancelled its regular meeting scheduled for Nov. 3, the items planned for action that night are also being included in the special meeting Monday.

That means,  according to the proposed agenda, the planning board will  act to approve attorney vouchers for two months, approve minutes from a previous meeting,  act on resolutions for the DeMaio property, deny an application for a minor subdivision, act on a resolution for a Fourth Avenue property, grant use and bulk variances, act on a resolution for property on Ocean blvd., grant an extension of a variance approval, and finally, “Review and Comment on the “South Avenue Redevelopment Plan” referred by the Borough Council on November 10, 2022, and proposed for council adoption at its Dec. 15 meeting.

That’s the Mother Theresa school property. That’s the only business for that special meeting that is being advertised for legal purposes.  The Agenda also notes that formal action may be taken on that item.