Plane Crashed


It was 100 years ago this month when a pilot circling over Highlands  crashed into the Shrewsbury river and was rescued by clammers and lobstermen in the area.

The plane belonged to to Richmond Airways of New York and the pilot was accompanied by a passenger in training. He was enroute to deliver some advertising for the firm, when he went into a tailspin and began to drop. Realizing this, the pilot, who was in communication with someone on the ground at the time, swerved to head for deeper water.

The pilot had relatives living on a houseboat in Highlands, and wanted to circle overhead to get their attention when the incident occurred.

The plane began his fall from about 300 feet over Neimarks bungalows, according to the Atlantic Highlands Herald of the day,  and eventually ended up over “Nigger Flats” opposing Conners Cedar Grove Hotel . Clammers and lobstermen rushed to help until the Coast Guard at Sea Bright arrived on the scene as well.

The plane was towed to Meeker’s on Atlantic Street and eventually back home to Staten Island. Although the frame of the plane was destroyed and valued at about $6500, the engine was still in fine shape.

It was the only accident the pilot had ever had in 14 years in the air.