Peter Would Have Loved the New Skate Park

Peter wasn’t there

There were many memorable moments at the ribbon cutting for the new skate park in Highlands, but none more poignant than Joe and Tara White experienced.

The borough natives were there with smiles and excitement, taking front row seats in the crowd waiting for the Mayor and Councilman Don Melnyk to cut the band and officially let the dozens of kids present clamor up the stairs and into the fenced in area of the park amid shouts of happiness and excitement.

Tara was sitting quietly, a skateboard at her feet. She and Joe have been active along with family in so many parts of the town; they both cite relatives who have served on the police department, as borough workers, one a State Police officer on marine police duty, so many ways they and their family have been involved in town.

But it was more than love of town that made them want to sit in the hot 6 p.m. sun, a skateboard at Tara’s feet, anxious for everything to begin.

Their son, Peter, a troubled young man in his 20s, with an admitted drug problem and other issues, loved seeing that skate park come to life. Tara laughed remembering how he was as a kid, wanting to jump over everything, bounce around as much as possible, take dares and be physical in all his fun activities. Now she laughs about the time she saw him going up to the top of the Burger King sign to jump for the thrill of it, something she didn’t think was so funny at the time.  This Skate Park would mean so much to him, she murmured.

But Peter wasn’t there. Peter died June 5, and did not get to see the dedication of a park he would have loved.

For Tara and Joe, it was important that Peter be a part of this new modern and challenging skate park.

That’s why she was there with his skateboard.

“Pete’s going to get to ride in this skate park,” she said, explaining softly, “I’m just going to go in there, put the board at the highest place, smile, and say, “Let it roll, Pete.”  And Peter White would be among the first to enjoy Highlands’ newest recreation area for its youth.


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