Penis and Vagina … Taught in School … Banned on FB


Does your child know all the anatomically correct language identifying private body parts?  (That means parts like penis, clitoris, labia, vagina) How about the importance of staying away from potentially unsafe body fluids and objects? That’s blood, I suppose, not exactly sure what unsafe body objects are.)

Don’t worry. If he or she doesn’t know all of this vitally important information for children, beginning Oct. 17, they’ll be able to learn it in the classroom. From a teacher.

That is what your taxes are paying for.

Oh no, wait. The youngster won’t learn this in first grade. Heavens, why would a first grader need to even speak about private body parts using the proper names they can’t even spell, let alone understand?

You child won’t learn this until SECOND GRADE!

And that’s good. Because that will prepare him and her for third grade. That’s where they all will learn about the reproductive system, going into detail about those private body parts they all learned about the previous year. They’ll learn about all the reproductive anatomy and function, about  hormones and all the reproductive organs, of course using the proper names  and terminology since this is education.

It’s in the public schools in New Jersey school, indeed right here in the Bayshore schools like Highlands and Atlantic Highlands. It’s funded by your tax dollars.

As third graders, they’re also going to get a definition of sexual orientation, not exactly sure what that means. I think it means that even though they have vaginas and labia but they feel like boys who have penises, that’s ok. They can feel like that.

And they’ll learn all about hormones and their effects on the body. They’ll even learn about gender expression, and how to be respectful of gender expression and sexual orientation.  And of course, because we want our children to be safe, in third grade … where they will learn about staying away from those potentially unsafe body fluids and objects.

By the way, does your third grader know how much six times nine is?

How about how to spell the capital of the state of New Jersey? Or of the United States? Does your third grader know how to spell vitamin? Or medicine? Does he or she know the difference between subtraction and multiplication?  No? Perhaps you want them to learn those basics that they will use all their life rather than concentrate on masturbation or the difference between a penis and a vagina.

I have no doubt at least some of those basics are taught in every public elementary school in New Jersey, though I’m not certain at what age. But do you think more time could be spent on addition and geography and American history than on masturbation and penises and hormones?

But wait a minute. These kids in the primary grades aren’t going to be taught all this through textbooks like atlases or things like the Constitution or Declaration of Independence. No siree, this new stuff they’re going to be learning beginning this month is going to be taught in a way the kids can understand better. They’re going to get little comic books, books with happy looking children, cartoon style, jumping into bed, pulling up the covers, putting their hand beneath the covers, then smiling big smiles of satisfaction while masturbation is explained to them.  Does that make you feel batter?

Yes, it has been made clear by Senator Gopal, a great and wise State Senator, and Governor Murphy, who just spent an afternoon with the President yesterday, that parents can ‘opt’ out their kids from these sex classes if they want to. They have the right to tell the school officials that even though they are paying for it through their taxes, they don’t want their kids to take those classes. Not exactly sure what they would do if their own children are included.

And what about the kid whose parents chooses to opt out? Are the other kids going to mock him? Are they going to bully him or laugh at her? Are they going to come out of that class and tell the “opt out youngster’ what they just learned?  In their own way? With their own interpretation?

Since the subject is so sensitive and there are parents who still believe they have the right, duty, obligation and know-how to teach their own children about their personal life, why can’t it be switched/ Why can’t these classes be taught as an elective so parents can choose this class like they can choose French or Spanish or music or art? Because they don’t have electives in elementary school? Why not? This could be the first!

Assemblyman Gerry Scharfenberger, former Mayor of Middletown, brilliant archeologist, father and grandfather, doesn’t like this new class and voted against it in the Legislature. So did Assemblywoman Beth Sawyer. She’s a single parent raising a couple of kids on her own and knows she has enough time to teach them at home everything about sex and sexuality, at the proper time in the proper manner in her opinion. That right is being taken away from her by her own tax dollars. Like all parents she can “opt out” but then there’s no control over the bullying a youngster might be subjected to because some parents might not want their children to learn how to talk about vaginas and penises when they’re still trying to decide what to wear to school that day. The two assembly members have put together an outstanding video that rather spells out clearly what kids are learning at what grade level.

It’s about time other parents took a close look at what’s going on in the classroom. With your tax dollars. Take a look at the comic book the kids are going to be learning through.

And if you’re a taxpayer whose own children are grown, take a look at the video and see what your kids missed. Think of how not knowing about these things when they were eight or nine years old has impacted them at this stage in their lives. Then think if you really want your tax dollars spent on sex education in the classroom.

By the way, the Highlands Mayor and Council just had their meeting which includes payment of bills. There are two bills they approved, one for Highlands Elementary, one for Henry Hudson. Each of the bills was for more than $350,000. They do that every month, so keep in mind Highlands taxpayers  are paying more than $700,000 for the education of the children in town every month. At the same time, Atlantic Highlands has two similar bills they pay every month as well, one for their elementary school, the other for Henry Hudson.  So that’s more than   $1.4 million a month for education of the children in these two towns.

Would you rather the kids learn about masturbation and the proper names for private body parts or more time on what is the name of the ocean closest to you?



  1. This is a bit too much for children to digest the adults running the show are nuts Children can not digest all this. Maturity is not for a long time

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