Changes and additions large and small have been taking place in Our Lady of Perpetual Help – St. Agnes parish in recent months resulting in an increased number of parish members becoming more involved in a variety of volunteer activities.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help

In addition to the major improvements which have taken place on the exterior of both churches in the parish, improvements which include repainting the parking and disabled parking spaces in the OLPH Parking lot and landscaping at both church, motorists have noticed both prayer and a sense of humor being displayed on the bulletin board seen on Route 36 in front of OLPH Church.

Last week’s reminder that “The Ten Commandments are not multiple choice “ was replaced this week with a thank you and appreciation for all veterans.

Members of the Rev. Joseph Donnelly Council of the Knights of Columbus, which has been an active organization within the parish for many years, have already made a trip to North Carolina carrying needed supplies to families affected by the storms, with another trip scheduled for this week.

The Knights are working in conjunction with the borough of Highlands in that borough’s massive efforts to aid the storm torn southern towns as well as individual families and even stricken horses affected by damaged and destroyed barns.

With the Rev. Thomasaiah Mallavarapu joining the pastor, the Rev. Jarlath Quinn last June, the parish now offers a Spanish mass on Sundays at 5 p.m. at St. Agnes Church.

Father Thomas came to OLPH St Agnes from Our Lady of Fatima parish in Perth Amboy, a parish with a heavy concentration of Spanish speaking churchgoers, where Father Thomas said mass in Spanish there on a regular basis.

Saturday, Nov. 16, the 8 a.m. mass at OLPH is being offered as a Respect Life Remembrance Mass for all local residents who have lost a child under any circumstances at any age or stage of life.

The American flag in front of OLPH Church is flown daily and parishioners request it be flown for personal memorial reasons. This week it was flown in memory of Thomas Ptak, the only Highlands resident killed during the Vietnam War.

Both priests and volunteers in the parish regularly bring communion to the home bound or those not able to attend mass for other reasons. Interested persons call the parish office and make requests for this offering.

Yoga is offered at Mother Theresa School cafeteria on Tuesdays at 9 a.m. with Amy conducting 45 minute sessions for stretching and strengthening. Fee for the sessions is $10 and no advance reservations are need. For further information, Amy can be contacted at 908-461-7640.

Mother Theresa School and St. Agnes Thrift Shop

The St. Agnes Thrift Shop continues to be a bustle of activity on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and on the second and fourth Saturdays of every month also from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The shop offers everything from toys and games, holiday decorations and clothing to jewelry, furniture and kitchenware. Donations are also accepted at the thrift shop during those hours. For further information, call 732-291-2156.

Fr. Jarlath continues to invite others to volunteer their services in a variety of events and activities, and urges new volunteers to get involved especially during the upcoming Advent and Christmas seasons. Anyone interested in volunteering to decorate the parish buildings and properties can contact the parish office at 732-291-0272 and speak with the parish secretary or administrative assistant.

The parish is having a Christmas Fest on Saturday, Dec. 14 at the Charles J. Hesse Parish Center on South Ave. Atlantic Highlands from 3 to 8 p.m. as well as a Giving Tree in the back of the church. The tree will be decorated and displayed in the vestibule throughout the Christmas season, enabling donors to leave gift cards in a container for families in need to use to purchase their own needs from local or online stores. Gift cards can also be dropped off at the parish office until Dec. 8. As always, the parish is inviting any families in need to contact the parish office to assistance from the St. Vincent de Paul Society which is active throughout the year.

Student volunteers are also being invited to volunteer to assist with the Nativity Play scheduled to be performed at St. Agnes Church on Dec. 7. That presentation will take place at 4:45 pm in advance of the 5:15 mass. For further information, interested volunteers should contact CDC Director Mary McKelvey at Sponsors are always invited to sponsor a child to attend religious education for families who may not be able to afford the fees.

The OLPH Pantry and the St. Vincent de Paul Society are also joining forces once again to provide Thanksgiving Dinners for families in need, and contributions to this cause enable the volunteers to purchase all the items for generous Thanksgiving baskets. Persons interested in volunteering to assist in this program can leave a message at the parish office, Ext. 120.

The Knights of Columbus host a full breakfast on the second Sunday of every month at the OLPH school hall, with the Knights preparing everything from French toast and pancakes to pastries and hot beverages. All are invited and there is no fee, though donations are always accepted.

Fr. Quinn has noted many different ways interested persons can volunteer on a regular basis, serving as lectors, those people who offer Biblical readings during the mass or counters, volunteers who keep track of weekly donations at the masses, to residents who want to assist in any maintenance or upkeep positions in the parish. The parish also assists other causes in the area, including Birthright of Red Bank to enable them to support new life by easing the immediate concerns and relieving the distress of clients who turn to Birthright for assistance.

While the church bulletin, available  every weekend at both churches, has always had lists of residents in need of special prayers for illness or prayers for the deceased, it has now expanded to include numerous short prayers, Gospel readings, and particular devotions. A recent bulletin included definitions for most of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit from love and joy to Gentleness and self-control. Other bulletins have given brief biographies of saints, or short prayers. A recent prayer in the bulletin was one said by the late Rev. Mychal Judge, OFM, the priest who died while helping others in the World Trade Center attack. His brief prayer was “Lord, take me where you want me to go, let me meet whom you want me to meet, tell me what you want me to say, and Keep me out of your way.”

Masses are Celebrated at OLPH on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings at 8 a.m. . the Sunday Vigil mass at 4 p..m. Saturdays and Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. Masses at St. Agnes are 7 a.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, with a 4 p.m. Sunday Vigil mass Saturday afternoons, and Sunday masses at 7:30, 10:45 a.m. and noon.

Novenas are held at St. Agnes after the 7:30 mass on Fridays, and at OLPH at 8 a.m. on Saturdays. Baptisms, weddings, and other sacraments are offered on a regular basis, and reconciliation is Saturdays from 3 to 3:45 on Saturdays and at 6 p..m. Saturdays at St. Agnes Church or simply b y calling the parish office at 7323-291-0272,, ext 112 or 123.
