Pallone in Atlantic


ATL. HIGHLANDS – With funds hopefully to be received by early fall, Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. announced the borough will receive $2.1 million in federal funds to repair the entire length of the bulkhead at the municipal harbor.

Addressing a crowd, including both council members and members and employees of the Harbor Commission as well as local residents, Pallone held a press conference at the bulkhead and identified it as “one of the most critical pieces of infrastructure for residents and businesses near the marina, primarily in protecting the area from flooding as well as in stabilizing the shoreline.

“I’m proud to be in Atlantic Highlands to talk about federal funding to make these repairs,”  Congressman Pallone said, “and I’m looking forward to seeing this project once again after it’s complete.”

The congressman also pointed out the borough’s harbor is the largest municipally owned harbor throughout the entire coastline from Maine to Florida, and highlighted its importance to the borough for numerous reasons.

He praised the team effort of everyone who has been involved in the effort to secure the federal funds and noted that everything is in place for FEMA to make its decisions on releasing the funds. Pallone explained the money is already an approved line item in the federal budget and is guaranteed, as opposed to being an application for a grant or other funding.

After viewing the bulkhead more closely, Pallone noted he could see the corrosion that has taken place and noted the federal funds will now extend the life of the bulkhead for between ten and 20 years.

“The borough is honored to host Congressman Pallone at the harbor to highlight this $2.1 million federal appropriation,” said Mayor Loretta Gluckstein. “The structural integrity and safety of the infrastructure here is vital to the community. The harbor is essential not only to us but to the great New York metropolitan area as well,” she noted, referring to Sea Streak’s commuter operations from the Harbor as well as the businesses both at the harbor and throughout the borough.

The bill authorizing the federal funding in this borough was signed into law last year.,