Nothing Will Happen … or … Anything Will Happen


After all the talk, all the  money, all the advertising of meetings, all the meetings, and all the secrecy, it doesn’t look like anything will happen with the St. Agnes School property until next year.

In a 37- minute long meeting that has to go down as one of the shortest meetings of the Mayor and Council this year, with no one from the public asking any questions, Councilman Brian Dougherty and Mayor Loretta Gluckstein both confirmed that the Planning Board meeting for Monday night will not address the proposed Redevelopment Plan, Resolution 174-2022,  and it is not on the agenda.

At the end of the meeting, Council also announced there would be no executive session following last night‘s council meeting, a session that  was scheduled for discussion of Resolution 174-2022, acquisition of property.

With Council only having one more meeting scheduled for this year, Dec. 15,  and the planning board having no other meetings but the Dec. 1 scheduled meeting for this year, it would appear that any further action on the redevelopment plan or St. Agnes School acquisition will have to wait until next year. And since a new governing body takes office New Year’s Day, the entire process will have to begin from scratch once again.

Borough Administrator Robert Ferragina said there will be the opportunity for the public to speak on further action on the resolution, although he could not specify at what meeting that would take place. He did confirm, that as Council always does, the meeting will be announced, will be posted on the bulletin board, as well as on the illuminated sign in front of the building, and will be properly advertised and on the borough’ official website so everyone will have the opportunity know the time and date  for the meeting.

The Planning Board meeting scheduled for Dec. 1 at 7 p.m. as advertised will address three other applications which have been on the board’s agenda for action.