New Year’s Eve at the Shore Casino


“The people wanted to let their hair down New Year’s Eve and they did,” said Jay Strebb, manager of the Shore Casino, in explaining the success and popularity of the dressed down New Year’s Eve celebration at the famed facility in the Yacht Harbor known for elegant dinners and tuxedo clad waiters..

“All those months of Covid, staying in, being masked, and not dressing up have resulted in people dimply not wanting to get dressed up all the time,” Strebb continued. “We just wanted to accommodate what they asked for.”

  New Year’s Eve gala

Theme of the New Year’s Eve gala at the Shore Casino was country, with the  Big Hix on stage all night for an evening of dancing to country rock music and a wait staff dressed in flannel shirts, jeans, and cowboy boots and hats. Guests came in more casual dress than the usual long gowns and tuxedos for big night affairs, and dinner was buffet style and as plentiful as ever.

The Casino ran this year’s celebration in conjunction with Everette Moore,  captain of the Teal head boat docked at the Harbor, with a host of family members joining  with the professional wait staff to ensure every table had an iced bottle of champagne for the midnight toast as well as buffet filled in typical Casino overflow style throughout the night.

  Charcuterie boat

A unique and eye catching Charcuterie boat added to the festivities when Moore’s brother Richie, discovered a sailboat for sale he then re-designed to turn it into a serving table. The sail was emblazoned with a huge 2023 to celebrate the evening, and the boat’s stern boldly announced it was the SS Shore Casino. The charcuterie included a variety of cheeses from several countries, a variety of meats surrounded by other foods that complement the pair, as well as fruits, nuts, crackers, dips and breads.

The buffet tables in addition to the Charcuterie board included a champagne station complete with balloons simulating the bubbly beverage, a salad bar and pasta station, together with the Shore Casino’s popular Dessert and Coffee table.

“Blending the family staff with our professionals was also a unique addition to a great evening,” Strebb continued. “We had close to 200 people for the event from all over the Bayshore area and beyond and the $125 per person price which included everything from that charcuterie to champagne and dessert made it possible for people set back because of Covid to get out and have a wonderful time.”

St. Patrick’s Celebration

Strebb is already taking reservations for the next big event, the Shore Casino’s annual St. Patrick’s Celebration. Casino owner Kathleen Strebb Sweeney assures the public “it will be the kind of event we Irish are known to offer for such a great holiday.” The native born owner said she is looking forward to the Irish step dances, the music, the foods and the spirit of Ireland everyone exhibits during this annual event.

The celebration at the Shore Casino will be Saturday, March 18 from 7 to 11 and will feature the Casino’s Irish Buffet. Reservations and further information is available by calling the Casino at 732-291-4300


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