It was Commissioning Day at the University of South Carolina last week and a proud day for Monmouth County. From left, Ocean County’s Ensign Angus Yeoman and Middletown’s Ensign Eric DeWaters, together with Marine 2Lt. Ryan Cronin, (second from right) and Marine 2Lt. Jimmy McNamara of Freehold, celebrate with Capt. John Compton, USN, Professor of Naval Science at the University of South Carolina, and Cdr. Tracie Smith-Yeoman, USN (Retired), Senior Naval Science Instructor at MAST on Sandy Hook, a USC NROTC alumna herself and the mother of Ensign Yeoman. DeWaters and Cronin are both graduates of MAST and its NJROTC program and McNamara is a graduate of Colts Neck High School and its NJROTC program