Navesink Fishery

Anyone who lives in the Bayshore, especially in the Navesink area, knows that the Navesink Fishery is just about the best restaurant around to get outstanding seafood of all kinds. They offer a menu diversified with all manner of delicacies from the sea and even at least one chicken entrée for those who don’t know how wonderful everything from the sea tastes when it’s prepared in the Fishery’s kitchen. They also have a spotlessly clean and charmingly inviting quiet restaurant and you can even keep your own costs down by bringing your own libations.

Ruddy and Pat Field have been working hard in their incredible restaurant for years, and it’s always been very inviting and delicious, to say nothing of the stupendous fish market in the front section.

As a visitor who has always admired the fresh flowers so beautifully arranged on every table, it was easy to learn that it’s Pat that has the gardener’s hand and has a knack for keeping beautiful blossoms alive and well, focal points on every table in this cozy eatery.

But stopping in there tonight to celebrate some great news with a friend, I learned something else. Pat, in addition to the flowers, is magnificent with the greens and herbs as well.

There’s nothing that says fresh to your table more than seeing the owner walk in from the kitchen, her arms laden with lush green leaves of all kinds, the makings of some of their delicious salads. But along with the lettuce and other greens, Pat was carrying pots full of fresh herbs…rosemary, mint, lemongrass, parsley, and so many more.

She stopped to let us soak in the aromas, but it was fascinating to learn that she grows them all in her own gardens in Atlantic highlands.

When they say fresh at the Navesink Fishery, they really mean fresh.

The restaurant is open from 5 p.m. every day except Monday, is located in the Navesink Plaza in Middletown on Route 36, halfway between Highlands and Atlantic Highlands, and can’t be beat for seafood, be it freshwater trout or so many varieties from the sea. Salmon is prepared in several different ways and it’s well worth several visits to taste them all, The shellfish are exactly as you like them, and everything else matches up perfectly. Even the sweet potatoes and vegetables are to swoon over.

Not only does Ruddy make all this magic and deliciousness happen, but don’t leave without trying his key lime pie. They have several desserts brought in from local bakeries who already have their own reputations for excellence, but his key lime pie is light, tart, and the perfect ending for an outstanding meal.

The friendliness, charm and neighborliness come with it all at no extra charge.

Navesink Fishery Navesink Fishery Navesink Fishery


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