Murphy-Right or Wrong? Only the Court Knows

Mr. Murphy Goes to Court

James Murphy is a gentleman. He’s quiet, rarely raises his voice, listens to people and goes out of his way to be courteous. All of that is his nature.

He’s also a Christian, brought up to believe in fairness, honesty, and always doing the right thing.

He’s also a councilman in Atlantic Highlands, the lone Republican on an all Democrat governing body; last year the odds weren’t  much better, it was only Murphy and the Mayor who were Republicans.

As the lone Republican this year, Murphy rarely votes against the majority. He rarely speaks up about his own opinions, but rather it appears he goes along with some things he doesn’t like, but doesn’t find harmful, just not the best idea. He does that, it appears, because he knows his single vote wouldn’t change a thing, and he would rather weigh the benefits or deficits of challenging everything with which he does not agree.


But then James Murphy and Lori Hohenleitner, two dedicated members of the borough council, pitted themselves against each other in the last election, both feeling he or she would make the best mayor. Both campaigned long and hard, both made their positions known, both relied on the people of Atlantic Highlands to make their own decision.

When the votes were counted in November, the vote was close enough that Mr. Murphy called for a recount. The recount showed Ms Hohenleitner picked up yet another vote, but still only a handful ahead of him. She correctly was sworn into office and since then has been working tirelessly at her new post, and honestly admitting how much she enjoys being the Mayor of Atlantic Highlands.


But some where in the back, somewhere in the dark, there were some who had questions about the veracity of the election. There was talk about votes that weren’t counted, others that should not have been were. There was doubt in whether the electoral process worked correctly.

There was enough talk that it apparently made James Murphy think he should stand up and do something about it.

It appears that when it comes to something that’s really important, something that could impact the community, the entire county or even the state, if not the nation, James Murphy has shown he can stand up, take the heat, and do what he feels is absolutely right.

On Monday, March 11, there will be final written arguments with Mr. Murphy insisting and armed both with investigations and legal action, that there was something wrong with how votes were cast, counted, recorded, or something else possibly wrong with a system that gives people not only the right to vote but the right to expect their vote will count.

He has been strongly criticized for this, been told he’s tearing a small town apart, pitting neighbor against neighbor, costing lots of money. He’s taken it all silently.  Mrs. Hohenleitner’s party has put out advertisements requesting for donations of up to $1500 in order to help finance her defense of her seat as Mayor.

Are we, in the United States, supposed to be such weaklings and such followers that we dare not challenge something we feel strongly is wrong?

Are we not entitled to use the laws of the nation that gives everyone the right to vote?

Are we not to expect that that vote is cast and counted correctly?

If that is the case, why even have laws?

Why even have Judges?

For that matter, why have elections, meetings, discussions or anything else guaranteed to Americans under the law of the land?

Aren’t we allowed to question when we feel or see that something is wrong with the election process?

It appears that by his actions Mr. Murphy is shaking the tree of justice. All should be appreciative of that.

Don’t both sides in this argument want justice to be served? Don’t both sides want the weak or rotten fruit to fall from the Tree of Justice? Don’t both sides want to ensure that EVERY election is fair and honest? Why would the either side fear questioning an election? Why would either party fear bringing questions before a Judge to ensure the system is working correctly?

After reading the final arguments she receives in court Monday, Judge Zazzali  has her own decisions to make. She must decide whether everyone who cast a ballot did it honestly and correctly  and had it counted correctly. She has to decide whether mistakes were made at several different levels. She has to make a choice on the best way to resolve any inaccuracies, mistakes, or improprieties.

If the judgment goes in Mr. Murphy’s favor, she then has to hand down a decision on how to handle and rectify what she believes has been unfair, improper or illegal for the voters of Atlantic Highlands.

Then what would happen?

Would the other side appeal that decision?

Would the same people who are charging that Mr. Murphy is tearing the town apart then challenge the decision of a Superior Court judge?

Would not that action tear the town apart even more?

Would either side have the energy to continue to work hard for the residents of the borough in municipal government?

These are the very same things they have accused Murphy of doing in the first place.

Would it be a different story if they were to appeal?

If the Judge rules against Mr. Murphy’s arguments, what happens next?

Would Mr. Murphy continue to serve his term as councilman and be able to work with a council overwhelmingly opposed to his ideas? Would he be able to continue to represent residents who have harshly criticized and mocked him for his actions in pursuing laws of the land?

Whatever the decision, let us hope it gets resolved quickly and all those involved are mature enough to swallow pride, accept justice and move forward continuing to participate in local government and keeping the needs of the residents uppermost in their actions.

It’s obvious both persons involved love their borough and want to participate in a major way in keeping it the wonderful town it is. Ms. Hohenleitner has shown in her brief time in the office she can take action, can make decisions and loves doing it. Mr. Murphy, by his actions in challenging the accuracy of the count, has shown he can take pressure and stand up for his beliefs in spite of personal attacks.

Let us hope all residents continue to believe in the United States government, its laws, its system of settling disputes and its guarantee that all persons have the right to dispute what they feel is wrong.  Let us recognize that few of us have the courage to do something about it, in spite of criticism and fears of retaliation and should be recognized, if not praised, for being able to stand up and take the heat.

It’s courage, good laws, decent people, and understanding that are the foundation of America’s greatness.

It starts at the small town level.



  1. ahnotstrong should give you a monthly bonus. im really impressed at your spin ability.

    can someone find out who is paying for murphies lawyer? because murphy isnt paying. i wonder what murphy owes his special patron

  2. Really Muriel? Please stop pretending to be a journalist. You’re a “has been” that Helen would be ashamed of. Stop spreading your lies and spreading dollar store trumps lies.

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