Mother Teresa: An Offer Made!


The Atlantic Highlands Mayor and Council today formally presented an offer to the catholic diocese of Trenton to purchase the Mother Teresa School property with the assistance of Monmouth County recreational funds and indicated they are hopeful of acceptance of the offer and rapid movement in closure and sale.

The governing body took action during an executive session at the beginning of last night’s council meeting, noting the terms of the resolution, since they include the offer price, could not be made public until the matter is solved.

However, council members, who voted unanimously to approve the resolution made by Councilman Jon Crowley and seconded by Councilman James Murphy, were in agreement with borough attorney Peg Schaffer’s assessment that, if accepted, the closing would move swiftly and an ordinance to complete the matter could be introduced at the next meeting or in August. Principals involved in the negotiations requested the borough make ts offer formally in writing, she said, adding, “we don’t want to hold it up, this should turn around quickly.”

Councilman Jon Crowley
Mother Teresa Mother Teresa